二十三 - 23

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"Let's go on a daytrip," Ayato nudged me awake

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"Let's go on a daytrip," Ayato nudged me awake.

"A daytrip?" I frowned with a yawn. "Why would we do that? I don't wanna anyways, my legs hurt like hell."

"Do they?" Ayato grinned. "I'm sure it can't be that bad."

He's obviously enjoying this, I rolled my eyes and crawled out of bed, my legs giving out below me. "See? I'm not going to praise you for this, nor oblige to your requests."

"What if I told you we could go to a hot spring?" Ayato swooped me up and into his arms. "A relaxing time for the two of us, hm?"

A hot spring? It was as if he knew that I've always wanted to go to one, but no one could have told him, unless...

Father, I'm going to kill you.

"I guess we can go," I grumbled, refusing to look at him.

Ayato let out a small laugh through his nose. "Your facial expressions are always so entertaining."

"Can I take a bath?" I inquired.

"Sure, I'll wash-"

"We know how that went last time," I stopped him, placing a hand over his lips to make him stop talking. "Please get one of the maids."

"You're no fun," Ayato pretended to pout, "I simply wanted to wash my companion, nothing more."

"Of course," I nodded, "so it shouldn't be that big of a letdown if I say no."

Ayato sighed. "I guess I'll have to let it go this time." He leaned forwards and brushed his lips against mine before lowering my body onto the bed. "I'll get a maid in here and we can set out after you finish bathing."

"Thank you."

"Welcome! Please come in," a beautiful woman with long silky black hair greeted us at the entrance to the hot springs. She was a natural beauty with perfect curves and a beautiful facial constitution.

"Thank you," Ayato dipped his head to her and I followed suit.

The women stepped to the side and held open the gate for us as we walked in. I glanced around and saw a luscious garden full of an arranged assortment of several flower types. I found myself in awe of the sheer beauty.

"Earth to m'lady," Ayato poked my forehead and I looked up at him, "time to wake up and go now."

"A-ah! Sorry," I laughed nervously and rushed ahead to catch up with the woman who was guiding us.

I could hear the faint gurgling of the water from the hot springs in the distance, and I couldn't wait until I could go into the hot water and finally relax. For some reason though, I couldn't hear anyone else.

"Uh, where are the other guests?" I piped up.

"There are no other guests," the woman tilted her head to the side, "we were specifically instructed to clear out the springs today."

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