三十三 - 33

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I stood at the gate of the Kamisato Estate

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I stood at the gate of the Kamisato Estate. I had requested to visit Ayato and he had granted it, so I made sure to be early– I knew how busy his schedule was. Taking a step forwards, I clenched my fists and reached up to knock on the sliding door.

Yae Miko had told me that this was the final confrontation, the last time we would see each other. Apparently, it had been fated in the stars. If that's what was really true, I would tell him everything I had to say.

"Who is it?" Thoma's voice sounded from the other side of the screen.

I felt a bit of relief once I heard my friend's familiar voice. "It's (Y/n) Shimoda."
There was a brief moment's pause before I was called in. I could tell that Ayato was somewhat reluctant to face me and for that I couldn't exactly blame him. When Thoma slid the door open, I met his gaze.

His eyes were clouded with doubt and he had the hint of dark circles under his eyes. I was slightly concerned since there were a very small amount of things that stressed him out this bad– the inter-connections must be hard for him.

"Mr. Kamisato," I walked across the room and sat down beside him, "I want you to listen to me."

"Listen to you...?" Ayato stared blankly up at me, his eyes guarded. "It depends on what you have to say."

His gaze was not openly hostile and yet I could tell that he was on edge. I guess there were pros and cons to knowing someone's mannerisms, huh?

"Don't worry, I'm not here to tell you to fall in love with me," I smiled at him, feeling the pit in my stomach sink in a little deeper, "or to ask that you humor any of these 'delusions' that you're having. In fact, I'm here to tell you to just forget about me."

I had come to this conclusion after a conversation that I had with Yae Miko the other day. This realization... was that our love was entirely one-sided.

"Even from the beginning, when we 'fell in love,'" I clenched my fists, "we weren't truly in love. You were in love with me, but you worshipped me back then because I was your 'savior.' You obviously don't have any emotional attachment to me now either. I am fed up with desperately trying to scavenge up a love that wasn't even there in the first place."

I said the words he wanted to hear in the most straightforward way possible, then stood up to take my leave. Suddenly his eyes turned savage.

Ayato's arms wrapped around me and held me back, a breath by his ear. He was next to me, muttering something against the arch of my back. "...why why why why why why why?" Over and over, he murmured that word, the grip around me too tight to fight off. Thoma stood there, frozen, just watching us with wide eyes.

"Ayato?" I asked him, letting my voice trail off in the end.

"WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!" he shouted, gripping my waist even tighter.

Fear started to creep up my spine as I felt his fingers digging into my skin, causing a dull ache to spread throughout my limbs.

"I did everything, I even lived for you, so why? What can I do to make it enough for you? WHY?!" Ayato was in a manic state. "I pleasured you, gave you gifts, took you on trips, treated you well, I did everything I wanted...!"

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