四 - 4

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Every time I had brought up my father, Ayato cleanly dodged the question in such a way it was hard to bring it up again

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Every time I had brought up my father, Ayato cleanly dodged the question in such a way it was hard to bring it up again. I realized that he wasn't going to tell me anything so I opted to speak with his sister about the matter instead.

    When I told Ayato I wanted to meet with his sister, he caught on quite easily to what I wanted to talk to her about. He told me that he would find an open time so that I could talk to her, flashing me one of his signature smirks.

    I bowed to him to give my thanks. Eventually, he found a timeslot in which I could meet Ayaka without much interruption.

    She was sitting at her brother's desk with a large stack of papers in front of her. The girl had noticeable dark circles under her eyes.

    "Ah, Lady Shimoda, welcome," she gave me a wary glance, "what is it you would like from me today?"

    I initially planned to ask her about my father but the poor girl looked so sickly that she could hardly sit up straight.

    "Forgive me for my rudeness," I stepped forward and lightly placed my hand on Ayaka's forehead.

    She has a fever.

    "You're running a fever," I fretted and looked around the room, "do you have anywhere you can lie down?"

    "In here? Not particularly," she coughed. "I'm fine, you needn't worry about me. I have all this paperwork to fill out and it's due tomorrow."

    I sat down across from her. "I understand if you can't rest but at least let me help out so you can earlier than normal."

    "I don't know how proficient you are in this type of work," Ayaka replied, "and I couldn't impose that on you, especially since you are my brother's guest."

    "This is my decision," I insisted, "and I will say the same to Ayato. I'm not fond of kissing someone's toes to get on their good side."

    "My brother asked you to kiss his toes?" Ayaka's eyes widened.

    "It's a figure of speech," I grabbed a stack of papers and a pen, "now, let's get started, shall we?"

    "I cannot... ask that..." Ayaka's eyelashes started to flutter and she began to slide off of her chair.

    "Miss Kamisato!" I shouted and raced forward, catching her falling body in my arms. "Someone, get the medic!"

    Her breathing was swift and irregular and her face was turning a rosy hue. Sweat dribbled down her forehead and I pressed my hand against her head, hoping to offer some coolness to her now unconscious mind.

    Thoma burst into the room with a panicked look on his face. "Is the Lady alright?!"

    I shook my head and kept her firmly held in my arms. "She's running a fever most likely due to overworking herself."

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