Chapter 2

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The hospital air was thick, suffocating, making Killian choke and sweat while he held Sile’s hand from her bedside, her legs spread to an abnormal distance and a painful scowl on her face as the delivery of their twin babies took place, a stark difference from last week when the Queen shed tears of joy. Even a blind person could notice Sile’s tears were that of agonizing pain, pain that went on for the past fifteen hours, and her cries went from a small whimper to full-on sobbing. No one could’ve prepared the brown-haired woman for this excruciating pain that settled well in her gut, like an itch on one’s back that cannot be scratched, and no one could’ve prepared the new father for the painful gorilla grip his wife hand on his hand. Both of them were crying, but for different reasons.

“Okay miss Sile,” The attending doctor who was right in between her legs, Dr. Zoё, started, her voice soothing and momentarily calming the new parents even though the doctor herself was filled to the brim with excitement. Two nurses dressed in light blue scrubs stood on either side of Sile’s feet, hands equipped with towels and tools. “I want you to give me a big deep breath, and push when you exhale. I know it’s going to hurt but it’s the only way the babies are going to come out, alright?”

“Pl-please, hit me again,” Sile sobbed, clenching her teeth and her husband’s hand harder. “Give me another-” she tried to continue as the stabbing pain punched her right on her side, her brown eyes shutting tightly as her body jolted underneath the turquoise hospital gown. “Give me another shot, th-the pain’s too much.” 

“I’m sorry Sile, we gave you one a few minutes ago.” The doctor responded, quickly dismissing her pains before giving the nurses more instructions. “On the count of three, we’re going to inhale-”

“Come on baby,” Killian said, bringing his face close to Sile’s ear, placing a kiss close to her eye. “You can do this, I-”

“B-baby, Killian, I can’t. It hurts t-too much…”

“Shh, yes you can. I believe in you.” He said, brushing the brown hair out of her face to pepper her in kisses. It was barely noticeable, but Sile calmed down a bit, the husky scent of her beloved and the comforting hand that was suddenly more than her squish toy bringing her back from that dizzying, stress-induced haze she was in. She focused on Killian and only Killian, her rapid heartbeat slowing down just to hear what the burly blue-eyed man had to say. “Do it for me, my Queen,” he chuckled, never missing the opportunity to worship the love of his life. “Deliver our babies so we can start our family, okay?”

“O-okay…” She looked directly at him as he spoke, chocolate brown eyes glistening with tears and rosy lips a vibrant red colour from biting them too hard as her brain tuned out everyone but her husband. Killian’s thick hand came up to wipe away the tears that stained her cheeks, replacing them with a kiss filled with love, affection and reassurance. “For….for our f-family…”

“Exactly,” he smiled back at her with a smile that spoke comfort, his thumb rubbing the back of Sile’s hand. That smile fueled the petite woman with determination, determination to fulfill her one desire of giving Killian children and finally become a mother herself. This was the last step she realized, the last nail in the coffin before she gets to hold her own children, gets to officially say she’s someone’s mother. Sile did not endure those depressing doctor’s office trips and disappointing conversations about the possibility of being infertile just for her to say ‘I can’t’ at the last leg of the race. Sile did not endure those months filled with extreme mood swings and irregular eating habits, nor did she endure agonizing labour pains for more than twelve hours just to quit at the last step. It’s either do it to completion or not do it at all. 

And the Queen would rather be guillotined than end it here.

“Ready Sile? One, two, three, inhale-” Dr. Zoё started, and the brown-haired woman followed, taking in as much air as her tiny lungs could handle, Killian following as well to be as supportive as possible, the grip on his hand tightening just a bit before, “three, two, one, push!” The doctor continued, the nurses on standby as Sile gave it her all, her eyebrows coming to a knot as she channelled all her energy into pushing, legs shaking and hand getting tighter around Killian’s as they all cheered her for her efforts. Once Sile was worn out, her head thumped against the pillow, her eyes barely opening as the doctor began to speak again.

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