Chapter 5

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With the strength of her husband by her side, Sile managed to make it through another few months. It was still very stressful, but she took it day by day, Killian holding her hand throughout the whole journey. For the most part, she was independent, only relying on the maids to get her some coffee to stay awake or a hot water bottle to relieve some of the cramps she felt in her pelvic area. The pains from the birth were still there; she has not gotten used to the headaches and the loss of breath just yet, visiting the hospital with Killian a few times per month but ultimately preferring to spend the time watching her children grow.

And grow they did. They were now seven months old, identical twins down to their toes. During their late-night conversations, Sile and Killian would argue which parent the twins looked like the most, usually ending in hushed laughter and playful kisses. (Y/N) was only able to roll from her stomach to her back and sit up straight while her brother was already crawling, spooking the maids when he popped out of nowhere. The two have already started their mischievous siblings’ antics, forming alliances with the maids and jumping off the rooftops to sabotage the latter. Sile and Killian didn’t dare to interfere and are happy their kids are growing and living their best lives, all according to their plan.

Everything was going according to plan. Killian could spend more time fulfilling his duties while Sile had a little more time to herself, taking baths and putting on nice dresses to keep her spirits high. She even contemplated going out for a small walk, not only to greet (and apologize to) her people after her unexplained hiatus but to also get a breath of fresh air. She realized staying in one place did more harm than good for her and her kids; she felt guilty for holding them hostage inside this castle when they deserve to experience the outside world as well. The brown-haired queen made it her mission to take her children outside, have them greet their townspeople and enjoy the green grass and the blue sky.

Sile stayed in the grand hall of the castle, the sun beaming into the room while she sat on the floor, changing the babies’ diapers. (Y/N) was already done and was off to the side of Sile, mustering up all her energy to crawl from the couch to the big, ancient piano that was on the other side of the room, to the left of the equally as big window. She was planning her little adventure with the twins in her head, thinking of the possible routes and stops they could hit on the way. She really wanted them to see the school they will be attending when they’re of age and she also wants them to see the bakery and market, but it is a great distance between both those stops. We could make a loop around the old man’s house, but I also want to go to the community center down that path too-

Sile was adjusting Sean’s diaper when she felt a warm sensation flood her lower region. She quickly finished with the small boy before shifting him off to the side and gathering the fabric of her pink dress to pull it up and reveal the cause.

She was bleeding. And the blood was flowing fairly quickly. A large puddle appeared right in front of her eyes, staining the carpet she was sitting on.

Stunned by her sudden misfortune, it took her a few moments to process what was actually happening, the babies on the side embarking on their own adventure before she called out for the maids. She didn’t know why but her voice was shaky, her eyes filling with tears. This has never happened before, nor did the doctor say anything during her previous check-up so why was this happening? Maybe it’s my period? But new mothers don’t get their periods until they’re done breastfeeding, right?

Three maids came rushing in, Alina moving quickly to grab the children and take them to a different room while Fayre and Keva assisted the queen. “Your majesty, are you okay?” Keva asked, running back momentarily to grab some towels to help aid with the bleeding. The older maid held Sile by her elbows, trying to sit her on the couch behind her as it would be better than sitting in a pile of your own blood, but Sile inhaled sharply as soon as her bottom moved from the ground, an indescribable pain shooting through the right side of her pelvis. She fought through the pain, placing her hands on the edge of the couch for support, whimpering as she climbed onto the seat.

“I think it’s my period, but the pain…” She huffed deeply, already out of breath from combatting this brutal pain. “Please, call Killian, I might have to see the doctor again.” She requested, her voice still light with no hint of aggression or pain. It wasn’t the maids’ fault that she was feeling this way; she had no need to get angry at them. She’s angry at herself for succumbing to this weakness that’s making it hard for her to enjoy her time with her children.

The ginger-haired maid returned with the towels and extra clothing, letting Fayre run down to parliament to retrieve the King. She quickly got to work, helping Sile remove the dress she was wearing. Keva made sure that Sile didn’t move much, quickly placing her in an oversize button-up - one of Killian’s shirts for the meantime. But even without moving, the piercing pain on her left returned stronger than ever. Sile threw her head back in agony, her tears rolling off her cheeks.

“Apologies, your majesty, but I have to move your legs in order to clean the area.” The short maid said cautiously, her orange eyebrows furrowed in sympathy for the hurting queen.

“It’s okay darling, do what you need to do.” The brown-haired woman responded, preparing herself for what needed to be done. The maid grabbed her ankle and shifted her leg to lay on top of the other leg, her hand then moving to her hip so that she can rotate her whole body. Sile bit her bottom lip hard, clutching onto a couch pillow so hard her knuckles turned white. She just wanted this to end, wanted her sickness to stop, wanted to spend more time with her babies, but she knows that this means another trip to the hospital. The realization shattered her heart into millions of pieces, the one thing she wanted seeming so close but yet so far. Sile placed her arm over her eyes, a fast stream of tears falling and her breath becoming more broken. She started to sob, not because of the pain, but because she accepted not being the strong queen she used to be.

Killian came in rushing moments later, fear written across his face as he saw his wife lying there, helpless and in pain. Keva did what she could to clean up the mess before backing away to give the King some space, anxiously biting her nails. The blue-eyed man got onto his knees instantly, holding out his arms and picking up Sile like she was fragile glass. The woman immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, tucking her face into the nook of his neck, her weeping never coming to an end. His heart crumbled with each sniffle she let out, angry at himself because he felt like he let his wife down.

“Your majesty,” Fayre said, “I called a carriage for you, they should be outside now.” Killian looked back at the maid and nodded in gratitude, making his way out of the castle with heavy and fast footsteps, his grip on his beloved getting tighter and tighter. 

The People's Princess (siblings!jacksepticeye & reader)Where stories live. Discover now