Chapter 10

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It was an understatement to say (Y/N) had it easy at school after her older brother was taken to the woods. Every day, the small girl would reminisce on the stressed face the teachers would have when they'd talk about Sean to their father, remembering how much anxiety he instilled in their upper-classmates whenever it was recess and how much charisma he brought to Lilac Diamond Academy. Sean was a gem that gave the school life, the sporadic child whose ample energy fascinated everyone and (Y/N) could only hope that he still had his unique charm while he stayed with their aunt Yseult.

On most occasions, she would have a chauffeur drive her to school, regardless of how short the walk was from the castle. Without her strong, overly-confident brother, waiting to sweep her off her feet at the water fountain, (Y/N) couldn't cross the main intersection, no matter how many times she mustered up her fears and attempted to. The panic and hesitancy still overtook her petite frame, her legs still shaking whenever she got near the square outside a vehicle, paired with the fact that Sean was no longer to help her when she was struggling. The lack of Sean teasing, but still inspiring her to cross the square made it feel worthless to even try, so she gave up on the activity quietly, feeling ashamed she couldn't overcome her fears like how Sean encouraged her to. (Y/N) felt like she let her twin down, but she quickly grew apathetic, knowing it could have been prevented if Sean stayed.

Sean could have stayed.

He could have stayed at the academy, but those selfish adults had to take him away for whatever reason.

He could have stayed with me...

These types of thoughts always plagued (Y/N)'s mind during school, her heart filled with irritation, spite and regret - regret that she didn't hold on strong enough to Sean when the guards pulled them apart. Regret that she couldn't fight back strong enough to make him stay. These thoughts of resentment stuck in her mind and are the reason why she couldn't grow accustomed to the school atmosphere, feeling like an outsider in her own village. She performed well academically, but her trust issues led to her lack of friends and development like a regular child.

Outside of school, (Y/N) would seclude herself in her bedroom with her pencils and colouring books, always finding something to distract her from the pain of losing Sean. She'd grow up in this cycle of resentment and heartache, ages ten, eleven, and twelve going by in a blink of an eye without any major maturing and without any contact from her older twin, but one day, as per usual, (Y/N) wanted to try a change of thought. Similar to trying to cross the main intersection to the academy by herself, she wanted to make a few friends for a new change of pace.

The brown-haired girl started to immerse herself into after-school activities, class discussions and group projects, setting aside her trust issues and hesitancy to talk to people with whom she isn't familiar for the sake of having a more dynamic childhood. And it worked, after spending a few days talking and spending class time with three other girls in her class, she was invited to eat at their table during lunch a couple of days later. Their conversations never really made it out of their class, so when (Y/N) was invited again and again, she felt like it was a big milestone achieved, becoming casual with a few girls that were fun to hang out with. Overjoyed, (Y/N) went home with a bright smile on her face that day, happy and satisfied she was actually doing something normal for her age. She was so delighted about her newfound friends that as soon as she entered the front doors, (Y/N) rushed to her room, telling Alina to bring her a celebratory slice of chocolate cake as she would be busy creating bracelets for her friends.

The young girl, who was growing tall like her father, spent the entire night making the bracelets, blue themed for the hazelnut-haired girl who came from Apa - a village closeby known for its abundance of freshwater lakes, red for the burgundy-haired girl who came from Huǒ - Virgine's northern neighbours who were blessed by their fire God, and green for the girl with black, short hair from Teren, a faraway island known for their nutrient-rich soil. (Y/N)'s brain never stopped running while she was working on the bracelets, visualizing a future where she and her friends ruled their respected lands together, made her people meet their people, held parties all the time and have fun while being known as the best queens to rule for many years to come. She had a lot of faith in these friends, hoping they'd stick around to make her dreams come true.

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