Chapter 15

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To (Y/N), it was two hours of nothing. Just a bland, lacklustre waste of time when the person she wanted the most was absent. An empty two hours of prayers, speeches from people she didn’t know, even when Killian stood up in his best suit to congratulate his only daughter on such a big achievement, the young girl couldn’t care to tune in, staring at the opening of the church and zoning out multiple times. She was over the entire coronation ceremony, didn’t care for anything that happened now or later, she wanted to go home. It was all useless since Sean wasn’t here, it didn’t matter anymore and she couldn’t care to even smile while she was being knighted (though unusual in other villages, the heir to the crown is always knighted by the current leader to swiftly hand over knighting powers).

“All rise,” the priest said as Killian made his way up the alter, Fayre attending to his dark red robe that hanged comfortably on his broad shoulders, gold and sliver patterns sprinkled all over and the edges of the robe lined with white fur that had black dots. Two altar boys from the side set a short, but beautifully carved knighting stool at the base of the alter as (Y/N) made small movements down the gigantic slabs of rock, placing one knee on the red cushion and holding onto the bar on the side. Keva stepped up to adjust her dress and robe, patting on it softly as a sign of support, but (Y/N)’s poker face remained unfazed, blue eyes locked on the floor in disappointment.

The priest held the knighting sword upwards towards the sky, where a strong ray of light entered elegantly through the opening on the roof, saying a small prayer before passing it on to Killian, who held it gently in his big hands. The century-old sword was huge and heavy, the steel blade sharp and stretching for almost a full meter with no marks or rusting. The cross-guard was more complex, green and shaped like a flower and contained many of Virgine’s signature gemstones. Regardless of the mightly sword and its size, the demeanour and power the older man possessed made it look insignificant, and the entire crowd was silent when he went on to make a speech.

“Be it known that I, Sir Killian of Virgine, am minded to raise my beautiful daughter,” Killian looked down at (Y/N) with pure adoration in his blue eyes, his heart seconds away from bursting with too much pride. But before he could get carried away, the priest cleared his voice behind him as a reminder to stay on script. With his hand on his heart, he continued. “Servant (Y/N) by virtue of her honour, loyalty, and skill at arms, to the high rank of knighthood. And give her the ability to raise the high rank of knighthood to whom she sees fit as Queen of Virgine. (Y/N), do you swear and acknowledge Virgine as your true village to protect and serve?”

“I do swear.” The young girl replied, voice void of any emotion.

“Do you swear to pledge loyalty to this land, waters, air, the people and animals who inhabit them?”

“I do swear.”

“Do you solemnly swear to maintain the peace of Virgine and return this sword at the end of your service as Queen?” Killian asked the last question with the utmost sincerity in his speech, his vulnerability seeping through the cracks of his defined character as he trusted his daughter wholeheartedly to protect the people he once protected; to do his job better than he did. And (Y/N)’s response did not fail to bring a tear to his eye.

“I do solemnly swear.” 

Killian then lifted the sword and tapped the sharp blade of the young girl’s right shoulder, then her left before the crowd erupted in claps and cheers. (Y/N) removed her knee from the stool and stood up straight, but before she could move anywhere, the brown-haired man tossed the sword towards the priest and engulfed his daughter in a warm hug, kissing her forehead with the biggest smile on his face. His delight was too much to put into words.

“I’m so proud of you, darling.” He said in her ear, loud enough to be heard over the excited crowd before peppering her face in kisses.

“Ugh, you’re going ruin my makeup.” (Y/N) whined and furrowed her thick eyebrows as she pushed the older man off of her, trying to get her footing so she could go back in her seat. Shamelessly embarrassed, Killian also went back to his seat.

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