Chapter 23

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The sun had well set when the queen returned to the castle, getting back to her usual duties after her now typical outing. Changed into her pyjamas, (Y/N) occupied the study minutes after returning, getting back to her hard-headed habits and murmuring about "wasting time" outside. She promptly got back to her large textbooks and frantic writing as Sean was ordered to bring her tea and cookies. Her twin also spent time outside, usually playing football with the schoolkids nearby or helping anyone in need at the street vendors. The past few days, he was granted the pleasure of seeing the pretty girl from the market who hadn't left his mind ever since they initially met. Whenever she had time, they'd stop by a fruit stall and share mangoes and tangerines, indulging in each other's life sweetly. Sean would be lying if he wasn't head over heels for her, wanting to bring her home as his own. But he also knew he had to take his time and spend it savouring every conversation with her, eagerly waiting for the next time he'd see her.

Coming back to the castle, it was like nothing changed, but the young queen was arguably more productive and everyone in the castle was not suffocating from the depressing aura that usually occupied the air. To her own surprise, (Y/N) completed a good chunk of her work, leaving time to relax and daydream about her new friend from the bakery. She replayed their moments together in her head, the way he looked at her with attentive chocolate eyes, latching onto every word she spoke and when it was his turn, his alluring voice making her mind spin. She wanted more; more of Mark, more of his attention and kindness, but there was a big obstacle that presented itself between her and her wants.


Or whatever her name was. Special friend, he said she was, and it could only mean one thing: a romantic interest. (Y/N) could already picture it, the girl's appearance was perfect for the role and it made her sick to her stomach. Sharing only a few words between them, the brown-haired girl already despised her existence; she wanted her gone and out of Mark's mind. Who was she to be his special friend, his love interest? Where did she even come from? Did she even value Mark the way (Y/N) valued him? Shared the same experience and humour as him? Does Aoife love Mark the way I do? With all due respect, whoever she was, she had to watch herself because Mark belonged to the queen.

It wasn't enough to wish and hope that Aoife wouldn't be a hindrance, (Y/N) needed a permanent solution to her existence.

And coincidentally, her servant was the key to this solution.

"Sean," (Y/N) called faintly, taking her cup and sipping the oolong tea slowly, the cogs in her mind moving in unison at a quick pace, skillfully mapping out every move of this operation as Sean reared his head through the entrance of the study. "Do you have a minute?"

"Depends on why you called me here." He giggled, but his laughter immediately ceased once he realized the young girl wasn't joking around, an unnerving aura filling the air. He instinctively tensed up, now fully aware and on edge about her upcoming request.

"Remember the girl from the market? The one you bumped into?" (Y/N) spoke slowly, ice-cold gaze never leaving the half-eaten cookie on her plate. Sean nodded, trying to figure out what prompted this all of a sudden. I thought we were done discussing that... "You remember what she looked like, correct?" Sean nodded again, thick brows furrowing in tense anticipation as none of this was simply adding up. Albeit, he didn't tell his twin of their meetups after their first interaction but that was because he didn't feel it was any of her business. There was no need to bring her up since she was just a regular commoner, so what was (Y/N) trying to gain from this conversation?

"Where are you going with this?" The older boy said, his tone accusatory which he was unable to control. His broad shoulders squared off as he fixed his posture, willing to defend the girl he bumped into with his whole life. Even if she was a random person, this wasn't normal, suddenly questioning him about a person he'd met for five seconds. Sean didn't want to make his sister a villain, he could never defy her, but he couldn't reason a motive behind this.

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