Chapter 20

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It felt like years since (Y/N) was out in the open, the sun shining down on her face and the cool breeze on her fingertips. The calming aroma of Virgine's natural weather made the young girl feel brand new, feel like she was back to basics, the weight of being queen being lifted from her shoulders. It was like she was reliving her old life, a fresh wave of nostalgia washing over her as she remembered how she fought horses and carriages on her trek to school. The school itself appeared only a few minutes after the twins left the castle, reminiscing about the fun and pure joy of being outside. (Y/N) savoured every moment of it, feeling the drastic difference from being locked up in the castle, swamped with work. That's not how I'm supposed to live...

"I'm supposed to this..." She mumbled, taking in the beautiful scenery of the busy Virgine street, her heart swelling with nostalgia and a need to return back to this.

"Hm?" Sean said, using his hand to block the harsh sunlight as they approached the square at their own pace, Sean always walked a little faster than his sister. Instead of dwelling on the yearning, (Y/N) wanted to make the most of what time she has, wanting to explore her village.

"Nothing. Let's go check out the market!" A big smile appeared on her face as she started to run grabbing her brother's arm and rushing to the bustling square, immediately digging her heels into the dirt and coming to a full stop on the very edge where she was confronted by the intimidating road, carriage wheels and horse legs zooming past her at unbelievable speed. Anxiety flared through her body and her blue eyes lost focus trying to understand what was happening in front of her, but luckily her lifeline was right by her side. She was confident that Sean would help her like in old times but-

"How old are we again? Fifteen? That means you're old enough to cross the square, right?" The older boy loosened himself from her grip, standing right in front of her with his back to the street, an evil smirk lining his lips and a nonchalant look on his face. (Y/N)'s face dropped, an unprecedented sense of fear washing over her as she realized what he was hinting at. Oh no...

"Sean-" but before (Y/N) could protest, Sean was already walking backwards into the hectic traffic, hands stuffed in his pockets and a careless demeanour on his shoulders as he nonchalantly left his sister behind. He jumped and maneuvered his way through the metal wheels and strong legs, moving his agile body with the wave of the traffic as his sister stood behind in near tears, her scapegoat vanishing in the dust. As always, there were too many close calls, his arm almost getting ripped off, but that was the fun of it, that's what he remembered. He barely got by without a scratch on his body as he reached the fountain in the center of the square, a noticeable pink hue on his cheeks from the adrenaline, a familiar high that he welcomed with open arms.

Sean was feeling great, reliving his thrilling runs through the square.

(Y/N) was the exact opposite.

Legs quivering where she stood, it was like they were kids all over again. The same spot, same trembling body, same immature anxiety. Nothing's really changed, the young girl looked down at her feet, embarrassed at how she could run an entire village but can't cross a busy intersection. She thought she was better than this; thought she had matured when she became queen, but at last, she was still a child. It infuriated her, angered her to her core at how something so minuscule seemed so impossible. (Y/N) was pissed.

"So?" She muttered to herself, clenching her fist tightly till her knuckles turned white. "Are you gonna change or continue to be pathetic?" Determination filled her veins, desperately wanting to change. She thought of the people, Sean, her father and what they would think of her and how weak she was.

She lifted her head, using all her willpower to officially conquer her fear.

Placing one foot in front of the other, (Y/N) began to walk, cautiously navigating her way through the square on the tips of her toes. Her ocean-blue eyes watched the flow of the traffic, painfully aware of the several carriages twice her size surrounding her as she calculated her next step, the gut-wrenching anxiety right at her throat and making her steps wobbly. (Y/N) was scared, but she was walking. She was crossing the square without any assistance, without Sean or the old woman from the bakery holding her hand as she whimpered, she was by herself and by the time she was looking for the next place to step, she had already reached the fountain, her twin brother grinning widely, applauded his courageous sister.

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