Chapter 17

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Three months after the coronation, (Y/N) finally begins her duties as the Queen of Virgine. And with that, she was completely removed from school, her father stated that the responsibilities of the royal family are too great to focus on school at the same time. She was given a tutor, but the obvious difference from being in a school environment was there. The young girl wasn't sure if it was because she wasn't an outsider anymore, or if she just missed her teachers, but facing the same adult for several hours in her own home simply didn't feel right to her. (Y/N) didn't say anything though, knowing it would be impossible for her to go back to school (or even if she really wanted to go back).

(Y/N) tried to keep up with her stellar grades and work ethic, studying hard during and after her tutor left, but there was a notable pang in her heart. Whenever she'd look around her study, it was always evident that she was alone and she felt it; she felt isolated from people her age, regardless of if they hated her. And with Sean going back to their aunt Yseult to finish school, she was lonely, which was something she found difficult to admit. No matter if she buried her head in her books to drown out the loneliness, no matter if she turned on the telegraph to listen to the news, no matter how many maids stayed with her,

(Y/N) was lonely.

And it began to affect her work.

She'd begin to slack off, not completing assignments or even listening to her tutor. School became insignificant to her and she didn't try like she used to, her grades plummeting and her work ethic faltering. Her tutor would yell at her, berate her for not being as good as she used to be, and threatened her multiple times to get her father involved, but she didn't care. Nothing mattered if she was alone, and the feeling of loneliness feeling began to manifest into envy and pure hatred; she was angry that everyone else didn't feel what she felt.

It's just not fair...


Visiting Parliament was another new task implemented into her daily responsibilities, although she'd skip out on them often in favour of sleeping in. Live discussions would happen every day in the morning, and the queen was needed for today's debate: trading, more specifically, increasing taxes on imported goods from outside villages. Reluctantly, she was placed in her typical ballgown dress, this one was navy blue with shiny pearls scattered everywhere and matching silk sleeves to go with it. She put on her Mary Janes, her red, bedazzled robe thrown on her shoulders, similar to the ones her father wore before he retired and the heavy Virgine crown placed on her head after Luan finished styling her hair. And before she knew it, the young girl was transformed from her typical lazy homeboy to the people's Queen, leaving the castle to fulfill her mandated royal duties, travelling in a carriage heading towards Parliament.

When the brown-haired girl first entered the castle-like building with Ms. Evie accompanying her, she was in awe, feeling the significance of the institution and amazed by the elegant decorations inside and out. She was excited to learn where law-making happens, feeling the roots the building had in her home village. So this is what Virgine is built on. Amazing... Her tour around Parliament was longer than expected, with the young girl saying "it's so beautiful" at every turn, everyone welcoming her and kindly teaching her the duties as a royal in government. (Y/N) was ecstatic to learn, fully absorbed into her new responsibilities.

That amazement is now gone, replaced with a stoic expression and barely any chatter whenever she walks in. All (Y/N) feels now is an abundance of power by her feet, able to do anything and everything she wants. "All I have to do is sign off on the papers, right?" She asked on her first day, faced with a scroll longer than she has the energy to process. But now, signing papers is like second nature to her, not even hearing discussions and debates surrounding them before moving her pen fluidly. She was the Queen, her hands now have significant power to change the present and future of Virgine and its citizens and it can all come to fruition with the movement of her pen on some brownish paper. Too much of a power trip, isn't it?

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