Chapter 4

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As a safety precaution, Sile decided to stay in the hospital for three extra days, Dr. Zoё making the generous effort to check on her while Killian went back to the castle to deal with his duties as king that were piling up scarily. He was rightfully skeptical at first as this time around, he would not be able to come back to the hospital at the end of the day until his wife is dismissed and Sile would have to be left caring for the twins all by herself, something he swore should never happen. As delighted as she was to her husband's commitment, the brown-haired woman said she was okay with going by these few days by herself, peppering Killian's face with kisses when he'd pout in retaliation. The doctor promised that she'll keep a good eye over Sile even though her schedule is packed and it took both of them fifteen minutes to get the blue-eyed man out of the room, laughing when Dr. Zoё had to physically pull him through the door, his bear paw-like hands gripping onto the door frame.

Sile's extra days in the hospital were nothing less than peaceful. Besides the eye-patch-wearing doctor coming in a few times to check on her vitals, she was left to her own devices, opting to get out of bed and walk down the large hallway when Sean became angsty. (Y/N) was still asleep but the walk was very needed as she was bedridden for almost two weeks, her joints and muscles feeling like they were decaying metal parts, collecting dirt and rust. It pained the new mom to stay in bed any longer, so she took her crying baby, made sure he was swaddled to perfection and made her way to the hallway, managing to pull the IV drip and hold her baby securely at the same time. When she got back, Sean was sound asleep and (Y/N) was in the same position.

On the day of her release from the hospital, a few nurses helped the brown-haired woman gather her belongings and she was finally able to wear something more comfortable than the stiff hospital gowns, settling with one of her flowy, pastel pink maternity dresses. Dr. Zoё dropped by once again to make sure everything was okay before letting this new mother enjoy motherhood at last.

"For now, your oxygen levels are looking fairly okay, but I am worried that things will change come the next forty-eight hours. Please do not hesitate to come back if you feel lightheaded or have shortness of breath, okay?" The doctor said, jotting down some final notes before looking the other woman right in her eyes. Sile could tell the doctor has nothing but a good heart for her, true, genuine concern overriding the doctor's usual over-the-top, chaotic energy. She trusted Dr. Zoё with her and her kids' lives.

Sile nodded, draping her tote bag filled with diapers and wipes over her shoulder.

"And please," the doctor hummed quietly for only Sile to hear. "Enjoy your life as a mother. You deserve this newfound happiness more than anyone else." She flashed a huge snicker, one filled with care and lighthearted jokes.

"Thank you so much Hange. Trust me, I'll try my best." The mother smiled and started leaning in for a hug until her husband came through the doors, his hand coming up to push back his messy dark hair. Sile couldn't help but let out an angelic chuckle.


It was a sunny afternoon when Sile and Killian made it back to their castle in one piece with their newborn children. It was a hectic return, the kids angsty for no reason so Sile and Killian had to step out of their carriage-like car to calm them down. They figured it was due to the sudden change of air but it took them almost thirty minutes to get them to calm down. Sile, whose energy was quickly depleting, wanted to get to the castle as quickly as possible with no interruptions whatsoever but news of the new mother's discharge from the hospital spread like wildfire and the people of Virgine were lined up by the castle's gates, bearing gifts and excited smiles on their faces. She heaved out a great sigh, debating in her head the endless possibilities to get through this situation.

Granted, she was extremely happy that the people of her town decided to take the time out of their day to greet her at the gates. Inside, she was brimming with joy and wanted to thank them for doing so but she was so physically exhausted, she wanted to crawl into her bed, run away and hide from everyone's eyes - even Killian's. For all this effort her kind, loving people went through, she wanted to give them her best as well, but it would be impossible in this state. Next time, she thought to herself, holding (Y/N) close to her as the baby fed on her breast, their car retreating into the castle's main lot. A gigantic, difficult to ignore bitter pang rang through her heart as she didn't even acknowledge the people, feeling guilty of not being able to match their enthusiasm of being back.

The brown-haired woman unintentionally locked herself inside her enormous castle with her kids, only showing her face when absolutely necessary when it comes to matters relating to new laws and regulations. Parliament still had to get her thumbs-up before introducing new rules to the public and Sile did her best to comply. On top of watching over two new kids, her sickness kept her from being the vibrant, cherry Queen of Virgine that she used to be. Headaches, slow breathing and loss of appetite became the norm for her and she constantly dismissed them as "a little cold, nothing too damaging" whenever the maids asked her if she was okay.

Killian would undoubtedly try and care for his wife, help with the kids and overall bring her into a better headspace. For the woman he loves more than himself, he's ready to do anything to make this journey called motherhood be filled with more happy days for Sile. She's worked so hard to have these kids, she deserves to enjoy her time as a mother, he reasons. He knows that she is suffering and wants to desperately help her, but he knows better than to force it. He decides that giving her space is the best option for both of them. Only time will tell when she's ready to open up to him.

And that moment comes quicker than either of them expected. Eight weeks after Sile's dismissal from the hospital, eight after she last went outside, the brown-haired woman was up at three in the morning, caring to Sean who woke up with a loud wail. Killian was up as well, offering to take the crying baby off her hands so that she gets more sleep in, but Sile refused, almost biting his hand off when it came near Sean's head. She got very primal when it came to anyone coming near her kids, a habit she didn't plan on inhibiting.

Killian took this opportunity to make her a cup of coffee (he prefers tea himself). The maids were gone for the night, so he made his way down from their huge shared master bedroom to their equally big kitchen lined with Michelin star-grade equipment and foods. Killian didn't know how to cook to save his life, his mother always worried how he would survive by himself without burning anything to ashes, but he did know how to make coffee for his beloved wife. He quickly made a fresh brew while his mind was still processing the few hours of sleep he got before being woken up, adding a little bit of milk to Sile as she usually likes and bringing his own cup of black tea upstairs as well.

By the time it took Sile to put Sean back to sleep, it was already four o'clock and she'd finished her first cup of coffee, the blue-eyed man rushing back to the kitchen to make some more. Once he returned, the couple stayed in silence, the only source of light coming from the lit candles on either side of their big bed. A few (long) moments had passed, Sile's coffee running room temperature as it stayed in her lap, the queen staring into the oblivion but her mind was going a million miles per hour.

"Baby, I don't..." She started, her voice hoarse and groggily. "I don't know... I feel like I'm losing my mind..." Killian didn't respond.

"The days keep blurring together and... I feel helpless. I mean, the people have been waiting and- I can't- I don't-" Sile started to hyperventilate, her chest rising and falling at lighting speed, hot tears brimming in the corners of her eyes, her fragile hands trembling, the room feeling like it's closing in on her. She's suffocating, like she's underwater, like no one's there to help her get to shore-

Killian silently took the mug from her hands, placing it on the coffee table near his side of the bed. He quickly slipped his hand into hers, gripping tightly, reassuring her that there is someone here for her.

"I'm here, my Queen." He said, voice deep and husky. He lent her his shoulder and Sile wept until the sun came up. All those pent-up emotions from being tired, she let them go then and there. Her husband never stopped her, encouraging her to keep fighting by giving her soft pats to the head. She cried and cried, waves after waves of raw tears and exhaustion, and by the end of it, she was snoring lightly against the blue-eyed man's chest, so deep in sleep that an earthquake wouldn't wake her. Killian blew out the candles, big hands still petting her head before placing a kiss at the top.

"I'll always be here for you sweetheart." He mumbled before falling asleep.

(AN: hey hey, this was supposed to come out last week but I was busy writing a prompt I impulsively started after finishing Demon Slayer S2 (hands down my favourite anime of 2022 its so good!!!) and hopefully my impulsiveness continues because I don't want to put a whole week or so into this prompt just for me to never finish it :))

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