Chapter 12

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A few days after Killian told (Y/N) about his retirement plans, he told his people - the people who he cherished and respected more than his own wellbeing. There were mutual feelings of adoration and pride Killian had with the people of Virgine, so he knew it would hurt once the news spread. Old mothers and grandmothers rushed to the castle gates, pleading with all their hearts for the blue-eyed man to not retire while their husbands cheered with them in the back, but Killian's service was done. He did what needed to be done; he fulfilled his duty regardless of the difficult obstacles life threw at him, and now it was time to give the chair a new owner. The old man was more than delighted to see his own daughter take his position, albeit with a few fights here and there.

As the realization of what was happening hit the young woman on several occasions, she tried retaliating, fighting back with all her might, saying “I’m not going to be queen”. But, as Killian was still in power, his word was still law. 

The king’s decisions are final…

He has a feeling that phrase, that power, the respect and authority within that power will never really go away. As the most beloved King of Virgine, Killian’s decisions might always be final, even after giving up the throne. That type of power and command is a lot and it’s scary to possess, even Killian is scared of having that kind of authority. But knowing it is from a place of appreciation and adoration, he is more than pleased to maintain that power for the people he loves: the townspeople of Virgine.

The news of the king’s retirement spread insanely fast, newspapers being printed with big bold text highlighting this breaking event. It was like the world stopped for a moment when the townspeople first read the headlines, a collective breath of air was held in shock and confusion. And when the breath was released, when the resume button was pressed, Killian’s theory was put to test, with people running to the gates, asking for answers, asking him to stay for one more year, asking him to still be their king. His heart broke a little when he heard their cries, but life has to continue.

And life continues by holding a coronation ceremony for the soon-to-be Queen of Virgine: Princess (Y/N) McLoughlin.

Coronation ceremonies are huge, and gigantic, with kings, queens, princes and princesses from around the globe tuning in to see who’s coming into power. It is the crowning of the new throne, the new person in power, where all the authority and wisdom is passed down to maintain peace domestically and between neighbouring villages.

There is a lot of preparation that goes into coronation ceremonies, with planning the appropriate attire, setting up the venue, and even the colour of the flowers are all details stressed when preparing for the event. Killian still remembers the lack of sleep and the hours spent reciting words in a certain manner he encountered when preparation for his coronation began; it was plain agony, to say the least. However, the slumber he welcomed after the ceremony was over was heavenly, like his soul left his body for a quick tune-up with God before coming back to earth. And then he woke up to be the person he is today…

Killian just hopes (Y/N) handles the preparation period better than he did because there is no easy way out of it. Since every small detail is stressed and overlooked a million times, the coronation preparation process is just a glamorized version of torture every newcomer to the throne has to face and there are no shortcuts. The brown-haired man knows his daughter is resilient, but he would be lying if he said she isn’t going to face any difficulty.

And as much as he loves her, he has to present to her the first challenge of the coronation preparation process: speech therapy.

In order (Y/N) to say her lines properly for a clean and smooth transition of power, she must abandon the slurred speech she developed as a child. It stuck since the first time she spoke, difficult words always on the tip of her tongue and every time (Y/N) slurred over her words, Killian's heart would combust into millions of pieces. However, she’s become a woman now, and for an event as life-changing and history-making as this, some effort needs to be put in to look a little more polished.

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