Chapter 16

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The rest of the ceremony went on smoothly with no interruptions, except one. (Y/N) demanded that Sean sat beside her on the altar, unable to let go of her older brother ever since they met eyes. Sean vouched for her, saying "it's only right" to have the separated siblings stay together. With fierce pushing from the young girl, a smaller chair that looked similar to (Y/N)'s throne was placed right beside hers and the twins sat in perfect contentment, her small hand never letting go of his black dress jacket. Once they were settled, the priest went back to the scheduled ceremony and the prayers and speeches continued to tire everyone. Some may say it was a mistake letting the twins sit together as they whispered non-stop, little snickers and giggles being heard from their corner and the brightest smiles plastered on their face, but the sight was too pure for anyone to be deeply bothered. It was their reunion after eight years, they deserved the time to catch up on each other's lives. Killian couldn't help but steal several glances from his happy children, Yseult elbowing him and mocking him for looking like a weirdo.

By 1 P.M., the coronation ceremony had concluded and (Y/N) was officially the Queen of Virgine and new ruler, with her father officially entering retirement. The young girl had to stay behind after the crowd left to fill in some paperwork but she didn't mind, her brother sticking with her after Yseult pulled him aside by his ear, complaining about his poor entrance and how he needed to fix everything about his appearance. Sean couldn't care less about how he looked, the joy and excitement of gossiping to his sister after eight years clouding his judgement. He was here for a good time, not a long time.

Rest seemed to be something of the past as (Y/N) wasn't able to catch a break even after the main ceremony had ended. After an hour of finalizing the paperwork, the young queen, her brother, Killian and Yseult left through the church's front doors and were immediately bombarded by journalists, radio hosts and grandmothers trying to get the attention of their favourite granddaughter on top of the visitors from neighbouring villages waiting to congratulate (Y/N) on her new chapter of life. Large cameras and loud flashes were shoved in her face, people from either direction asking her questions, telling her to turn her head left, right, it all disoriented her for a little. The brown-haired girl was always in a conversation with someone, her father hovering right beside her and entertaining anyone who spoke to her. When she entered her carriage and assumed it was over, that the chaos had officially ended, her personal entourage of Fayre, Keva, Alina and Luan jumped inside the carriage as it was moving, making adjustments to (Y/N)'s appearance frantically.

"Wait, wait!" The girl screamed as she pushed away the hands applying powder to her cheeks and lipstick to her lips, desperately trying to catch her breath. Fayre jumped to sit right beside her, pulling on her short hair to make sure the strands stayed in place. "What is all this for?"

"You're getting your portrait painted. Didn't Alina tell you?" Keva replied, slapping (Y/N)'s hand away to apply the power that came off during her heartfelt crying. Painted portraits?! Painted portraits were single-handedly the longest, most tedious task any person could subject themselves to; it was a practice that needed to die immediately. Even though one is just sitting there in one position and doing nothing while the artists move in their artistic ways, painted portraits were painful, handcrafted by the devil himself; it would be cruel to wish it upon your worst enemy. (Y/N) didn't think she would survive sitting down for that long, especially after the long coronation ceremony, but alas, the carriage kept moving and she was destined to have her portrait painted, the longest five hours of her life.


The sun was setting by the time the painter was finished with (Y/N), her constant yawns and twitches a symbol of what remained of her sanity. She left with a thank you, grateful to finally be finished with all her activities, ready to have the best sleep in her entire life. She worked hard for this resting period and she know life as a Queen would be as ruthless, but when she entered the carriage that was supposedly taking her home, she faced the four maids once again, her fatigue making it seem like they had evil grins plastered on their faces.

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