Chapter 6

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The next time Sile opened her eyes, it was dark outside. Only a few street lights were on, meaning it was very early in the morning. She was back in the all too familiar hospital room, the room she never wanted to see again. It was painfully silent; the longer the quietness went on the more on edge the queen was. The only thing that could be heard were Killain’s low breaths as he stared out the window with one hand firmly planted on his wife’s thigh that was covered in blankets. Although she could not see his face, Sile knew he was tired, his unkempt beard quickly turning white with all the stress they’ve been through.

With a deep breath, the brown-eyed woman moved her hand that was hooked up to an IV and placed it on top of her husband’s, startling the big man. He snapped his head towards her bed, his grip on her thigh tightening instantly. Sile used her remaining energy to flash him a small smile, the man moving closer to place a comforting kiss on her lips.

“Slept well?” The blue-eyed man said, his voice deep and groggily. Sile nodded in response, feeling the effects of sleeping in one spot and stretching her back. Her hips and pelvis area still ached with stinging pain, she couldn’t even move her back to sit upright on the bed. Killian helped her with sitting up, handing her a glass of water afterwards. 

“The kids?” Sile questioned, her motherly instincts making her nostrils flare as she realized she abandoned her babies in the castle on a whim like that. She was terrified every moment she didn’t have her eyes on them, always fearing the worst would happen to them if she was not there to protect them.

“The maids said they’re fine and sleeping well. No need to worry, honey.” Killain soothed her, a comforting hand patting her back. When she finished with her water, there was a light knocking at the door and a second later, Dr. Zoë reared her head through the doorway, her usual cheery smile on her face.

“Good morning, you two.” She said, entering the room and closing the door behind her.

“Why am I here again? I told you I didn’t want to come back.” Sile cried, faking a loud huff as the doctor took a seat near the bed. Killian pulled his chair closer to Sile’s bed, placing his hand in hers and giving a light squeeze.

“I know, I know.” The doctor sympathized, her hand in the middle of her chest. “But that’s just how emergencies work, right? It’s a good thing Killian got you here as fast as he did because you were losing a lot of blood very quickly.” Sile looked back at him, bringing his hand up to her lips and planting a soft kiss on the back of his hand.

“So it wasn’t my period?” The queen asked.
“No, if it was that would have been an even bigger problem since you’re still breastfeeding, correct?” The brown-haired doctor wheezed, already stressed about the idea. “From the scans, there was not anything major to note so it was probably some hormonal changes, but you’re still feeling some pain?” Sile nodded, very hesitant and biting her bottom lip when Dr. Zoë’s hand reached over to her right side, placing some pressure on her right hip. Sile hissed loudly and the doctor removed her hand, returning to her previous position in her chair.

“I want to say it’s inflammation, but considering your past checkups, it could be something completely different.” She sighed heavily, adjusting her eyepatch and glasses. 

“I can prescribe you some medicine to relieve the pain, but it’s very tricky when it comes to breastfeeding mothers. I don’t want to risk something happening to the children so our best option is to wait it out.” The brown-eyed doctor suggested, the usual pang of disappointment striking her heart once more. More than anyone, Dr. Zoë wanted Sile to have the best experience with motherhood and it pained her, as her doctor, to see her struggling like this and add on to the pressure by telling her the best option is to ‘wait it out’. As much as she adored the queen, she doesn't want her appearing in her office anymore. And if she does, the doctor always wishes it’s with good news.

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