Chapter 3

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The next morning, Killian had to return to the castle, his duty as king never giving him a break during the most important events of his life- actually, his childrens’ lives. He was a father now, his children are now a part of him and being called back to the castle instead of enjoying crucial moments that don’t last forever chipped at the man’s gigantic heart. I’ll find a way to make it up to all of you, I promise… He thought on his way to parliament. It was just finalizing the small details on a new environmental bill his people planned on passing and he didn’t plan on sweating the details and staying there for the whole day. Killian wanted to stay with his wife and children and he made it his mission to return to them as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the following days leading up to Sile’s dismissal from the hospital were unnervingly calm and quiet. Apart from being hooked up to a few scary-looking machines because her oxygen levels were still irregular from giving birth, she was having a peaceful recovery. Usually, newborns would be screaming their heads off as soon as they were placed in a carrier, but Sean and (Y/N) remarkably stayed sound asleep, making minimal noise when they became hungry. Because of this (and her husband’s help), the brown-haired woman was able to truly relax, continuing the books she left behind because of how hectic her pregnancy was and filling up on fruits and delicious meals Killian would bring when he came back from the castle. Things were much sweeter and tastier when Killian hand-fed her everything, refusing Sile to move as much as a hair strand and vowing to do everything himself. She chose not to protest and allowed him to do his thing with a small smile on her face, “head-over-heels” in love with the caring man.


It was day seven of Sile’s hospital stay, a wide-awake (Y/N) feeding off of Sile’s breast and Killian watching over Sean in the carrier when their doctor, Dr. Zoё, entered the room with a comically large smile on her face and a clipboard close to her chest, her white coat swaying with the light breeze that came through the cracked window. The doctor wasted no time pulling a seat close to Sile’s bedside, beckoning the husband over right before her attention was grabbed by the small baby on the mother’s chest.

“Awe, isn’t she a cutie?” Dr. Zoё said, excitement written all over her face even though she had to keep it to a minimum to not startle the babies. She had to push a section of her long brown hair behind her ears because of how giddy she got, her glasses and eyepatch needing adjustments as well. “You guys’ genes are incredible, she’s just a smaller, cuter version of you, Sile!”

“What can I say? Her mother is the Queen, after all.” Sile responded gleefully, smiling as the sun entered the room and hit her face perfectly, her after-birth glow making her ten times more beautiful to Killian, who stared on in awe with blue eyes the size of plates, reminded of the sheer beauty of his wife and falling in love all over again.

“Looks like someone got hit with cupid’s arrow again,” the doctor snickered, her clipboard coming over her mouth to hide her sinister laugh while Sile whipped her head to the other side of the bed, chuckling lightly when she saw her husband almost drolling over her. A protective hand went over (Y/N)’s head as the brown-haired woman leaned over the bed’s armrest to place a light and playful kiss on Killian’s lips, the man’s cheeks turning into a bright pink in embarrassment but a cheeky smile plastered on his lips. Dr. Zoё and Sile laughed. “No worries, I understand completely. If you weren’t here, I would’ve gladly taken her off your hands.” The doctor joked.

"Over my dead body, you would! Just hurry up and tell us what you’re here to tell us.” The blue-eyed man laughed and the doctor sat down after freaking out over how cute Sean was. She readjusted her glasses once more and glanced at the clipboard before looking back at the family of four, her sweet grin tainted with a bitter sadness that was hard to recognize at first glance.

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