Chapter 11

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As (Y/N) grew up, her sourness became more of her personality than her quiet, defensiveness. It started to show through when she hit fourteen, unapologetically side-eyeing everyone and disregarding respect to anyone she found annoying, more often than not in the castle. Even Fayre, Luan, Alina and Keva were sometimes at odds with (Y/N), always finding themselves dodging and weaving through her lifeless words. Many times, the maids wondered why the girl who was once a sweetheart changed; they'd questioned where the girl who never spoke, and when she did, it was always slurred with happiness, vanished off too.

The blue-eyed girl was fifteen now, her slightly longer than when she kept it at ear level, but the wispy bangs and gently curled ends remained. She was the tallest she's ever been, and her slender build, almost always in her dresses which varied in length and colour made her look elegant and charming. (Y/N) looked like a princess, her presence was so much like her mother's and it made the people look twice whenever she'd walk around the town. She was a woman now, but her relentless attitude made her seem like a child.

It was an odd time in history, (Y/N) coming home from school, tired and stressed as any tenth grader would be. Her purple checkered uniform skirt and solid purple blazer were still intact when she walked through the gigantic double doors of the castle, flipping off her black doll shoes and taking huge strides into the castle's study before swinging her bag to slide beside her chair and taking a seat. With a deep sigh, she ran a hand through her brown locks, calculating all the homework that needs to be done silently in her head before bending over and grabbing her books from the bag.

"Your Highness, you've seemed to arrive home a little early," Luan said when she stepped into the entryway of the study, carrying a straw basket filled with clean white clothes, most of the weight resting on her hip. "Isn't your school holding a fundraiser? You said you were going to participate..." The woman in a mint green maxi dress with a white apron wrapped around her hips said, a brown eyebrow raised in curiosity. Another event (Y/N) was practically forced to attend because of "royal etiquette". She sighed and only turned her head to face the maid with a small grin on her pink lips, wispy thin bangs falling in front of her ocean blue eyes.

"And do what? Yell at everyone there?" The girl huffed with an ominous breath, even though there were no ill actions behind it. "They were gonna piss me off anyway, so why stay?" Luan didn't rebuttal her, rather sighed and looked off to the side, a small pang of disappointment growing bigger and bigger in her gut. The brown-haired woman knew (Y/N) was never like this, never that easy to "piss off", but there was no point in reminiscing in the past, never mind challenging the princess to the castle she works in. She's a grown teenager, she can decide what's right for her, right? Luan questioned silently, missing the times where (Y/N) wasn't like...this.

"I see you're starting your homework. Shall I brew some tea for you?" The brown-haired woman said instead, switching the conversation to be less disheartening.

"Oh yes. Hibiscus, please-"

"Make that two cups of hibiscus tea, please." A deep, hoarse voice came from behind Luan and not even seconds later, (Y/N)'s father stepped into the entryway of the study. With his sturdy, tall and powerful demeanour, the man towered the small maid scarily, dressed in his usual sleek black suit and tie, also arriving earlier from his work. He swiftly removed his dress shoes and suffocating tie, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt as he pulled up a chair to sit right beside his daughter. As usual, he quickly glanced over her work, always interested in what (Y/N) was doing whenever she buried her head in papers.

Killian rarely had time to sit like this, with his own child. He still was too busy, always had something that came before (Y/N) and he regrets it all. He never has time to bask in how beautiful of a woman she's growing up to be while he was slowly deteriorating with age. He always felt the wrinkles appearing on his forehead, his lower back getting harder and harder to deal with and the grey hairs were just the cherry on top. The King will admit that he's growing old, but at least he's growing old while caring for his daughter, just like how he promised to do for Sile.

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