Chapter 18

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(Y/N) had a few cups of tea as she tried to cool down after the outburst, ultimately closing her books and calling it a night as she couldn't focus anymore. She did feel guilty lashing out at her brother like that but at the same time, she could think of several excuses as to why she acted that way. The crippling stress and gruelling expectations she has to keep up with finally got to their tipping point and Sean was unfortunately caught in the crossfire. Her tutor continued to bury her in homework while discussions in Parliament became more intense and exhausting and she kept on questioning why it had to be this way, why she couldn't live without the burden of work. It's not fair, she rationalized as she fell asleep, shoulders tensed and eyebrows always caught in a knot.

Things were not looking good for the young queen but then she would remember that she was The Queen. She had the power to change the way things were, the power to make Virgine a hassle-free village and reduce the amount of stress she was under. She had ultimate control over everything and could legislate an easier life for herself. She could do whatever she'd like.

And she was going to exercise that as she walked through the doors of parliament, ready to make everything easier just for her. Like routine now, in her regular dress and robes, Evie opened the double doors to the Senate Chamber, the people inside silencing after what seemed to be a heated debate and (Y/N) proceeded, sitting in her chair at the front and preparing for discussions, a new pile of paper on her table while the main piece of paper, the paper of their focal discussion laid under her pen, ready to be signed off or discarded. She sighed like she usually did, lifting her cold gaze to the chamber and she cleared her voice, the men and women listening at attention for her word. It was always like this and the young girl enjoyed the feeling of even her breath having more power than anyone in front of her, the power oozing out of her head when she realized this was her playground now. This is where she can have fun.

With her stoic, lukewarm voice, she began today's discussion period. "So? What are we doing today?"

Erratic, loud and borderline unintelligible arguments were thrown left and right in the room, some trying to make valid points and others yelling for the sake of being the loudest. It was an intense, heated battle between everyone as the issue at hand was extremely polarizing: school fundings specifically focusing on extra-curricular activities. (Y/N) tried parsing through the loud noise, trying to find the rationale behind every argument and like how she always does it, she closed her eyes and factored every possible consequence to each defence. But without even knowing, (Y/N)'s mind was already set on an answer, her bias obstructing any sort of fair judgement she had before the discussion period started. Memories from her time at the academy, the way she was forced to do these extracurricular activities she didn't want to do and was subsequently shunned by every student for doing so, on top of being an outcast already made her want to sign the bill without hesitation. I was just wasting my time, masking my pain while the teachers, everyone just stood there and avoided me...and I...didn't even do anything...

Without realizing it, the young girl's heartbeat was faster than usual, her cheeks and forehead getting hot as she was reminded of what she had gone through. The room was quiet, everyone waiting for her to open her eyes and reveal a verdict on the issue and they didn't have to wait long. (Y/N)'s mind was made up almost instantly. The queen opened her eyes, interlocking her fingers under her chin and choosing her words carefully before addressing the crowd, not wanting to show her emotions leading to her decision-making. "Seeing how extra-curricular activities are majority volunteer-based, it makes no sense to give them extra money that will not be used anyways. If teachers and students want them, they will make it happen regardless of if parliament funds them."

And then the uproar ensured, the shouting, berating and convincing took over the room as (Y/N) lifted her pen to mark the paper. But before she could sign off, her sharp ears caught a voice in the back, pleading for an opposition take to be heard. The queen lifted her head, pointing to the corner of the chamber where one of the elderly women, desperately yelling over the commotion with a piece of paper in her hand. The entire chamber went silent, all eyes focusing on the woman whose voice had yet to be heard.

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