Chapter 24

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*Sean's P.O.V.*

The conversation with (Y/N) rattled me- No, it scared me to my core. I've never felt so terrified talking to my twin before I swear I could've felt every bone exist in my body. The glare she had in her eyes was unreadable, something so unusual for me since I could always read my sister's face. But now, when her face was blank and void of any emotion, and when she requested something so vile and disgusting I couldn't bear to be in the same room as her, the air being sucked out of my lungs the longer I had to hear her request. But the terror doesn't end there. As her servant, as her shield, as her brother, I had to do as she said and take someone's life.

The order made my stomach churn, I was barely able to sleep, never mind fully digest what (Y/N) wanted. Although elimination methods was basic information taught in schools, it never occurred to me that I could use them in real life. It seemed impossible to come across an instance where I had to kill someone, especially when it was related to royal duties. I couldn't even recall a moment in the past where a supposed enemy had to be eliminated but now that (Y/N) wanted to be the first to achieve that milestone with a villager as the "enemy", Aoife as the "enemy". Oh, Aoife... A sweet, vibrant person who even though I've only met twice, I felt like I knew the entire world when it came to her.

I had gone back into the town's square to get some fresh air after the intense conversation, anything to get my mind off of my royal duties and become level-headed again. It was late out, the village's nightlife coming out to shine as usual. Bright and colourful lights captured the streets that were once shined on by the sun, with fruit and vegetable vendors trading their shops with the late-night restaurant owners who set up shop as soon as the sunset. Virgine was alive as it was in the sun with young and old couples roaming the streets, teenagers that were out way past their bedtimes sneaking around and loud music coming from every corner of each street. The village never slept even when the moon came out.

I wandered around with no particular destination in mind. I wasn't even supposed to be outside at this time without a guard to watch me; 'twas a safety hazard but I didn't care, I needed to get away from the suffocating air in the castle. It was windy today but that didn't stop people from taking a seat with large smiles on their faces and ordering the best meals the village had to offer. Many different people and places caught my eye, two young men sharing a pasta dish, a group of female friends clinking their beers together, and a mother taking a stroll with her baby strapped to her back. Some recognized me and bowed as a sign of respect and I waved at them. I was in the midst of declining an invitation from a woman and her husband to eat some peanuts when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, frightening me. I turned, praying to the heavens I wouldn't be faced with Evie who wouldn't hesitate to drag be back to the castle, but instead

I gazed upon the prettiest, emerald green eyes in the entire world.

"I'm surprised to see you out late at night, your highness." The girl smiled cheekily at me, her eyes shining under the bright village lights. She was as breathtaking as I first saw her, my heart skipping a beat when I heard her calming, sweet voice. She looked even better with her dark brown hair tied up in a messy bun, short strands falling in front of her face so perfectly. I could look at her forever.

"I'd say the same to you. What are you doing outside at this ungodly hour?" I barely managed to speak, trying my hardest not to fumble my words and stutter. I felt my face burning up as I tried to keep my cool. It got real hot all of a sudden...

"I couldn't sleep so Mom suggested that I grab something to eat," she said, the bags under her eyes dark and exhaustion evident on her face, but she still looked like a goddess among everyone else. "And tomorrow I'm watching over the kids, haa..." She sighed in disappointment, facepalming when she realized she wouldn't have enough energy for the following day. But that was all I needed to hear to grab the tired girl by the wrist and pull her to one of my secret places, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that had the best food on the block. It was our favourite, but (Y/N) would be too scared to come out at night and I would always sneak food from here back into the castle, a tiny feast happening in her study when everyone else was asleep. The food here was so flavourful and generous with the portion sizes, I'm certain it would satisfy the gloomy girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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