Chapter 14

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The day Her Highness Princess (Y/N) McLoughlin of Virgine was to be sworn in as queen of the nation had finally arrived. After countless backtracking and clearing of the checklist, orders and instructions from the director and sleepless nights, it was finally time for the young girl to be placed on stage and have her assume power as the next leader of Virgine. Everyone was excited to see the efforts of their labour pay off in what is to be a moment that will live on forever, a time the people will never forget, a time where Sile would look down proudly at her daughter and forever cheer her on.

And the girl at the forefront could not wait until the ceremony was over.

Like a routine, (Y/N) had to wake up before the sun even rose, pushed into the showers by all four maids whose bright smiles overpowered their sleepless eyes, singing praises and words of affirmation to the princess as they lathered her body in soft scented soaps that were only for special occasions. They said the soap was infused with holy oil, had powers to bring great fortune to whoever used it and the maids used the same thing for her mother when Killian was inaugurated. As much as the brown-haired girl enjoyed the history lesson, she was too tired to even stay awake during the soothing shower. But before she could even catch a break, she was being lifted from the wide tub and placed on a chair near the sink, Alina and Keva focused on drying and applying lotion to her skin while Luan and Fayre were in charge of washing her hair.

(Y/N) allowed herself to be pushed and pulled by the four maids, too exhausted to do anything but put on the brand-new undergarments set out on her desk as they styled her hair and applied moisturizer to her face. She couldn't even process the switch between the maids and the tailors and makeup artist, only aware of their presence when Keva's non-stop chatter slowly faded out of the room and extra footsteps were heard coming in, a gigantic metal box placed on her desk. She was once again hoisted up to her feet, two people working on her makeup as another two put her into the painful corset and tightened the straps before throwing her into the elegant white ballgown dress with laced sleeves and flowers and jewels scattered all over.

The wavy haired-girl caught a glimpse of herself while the makeup artist was applying a warm brown eyeshadow to her eyelids and gasped at how the dress held her, finally coming to full conscience. The dress fitted her arms and waist perfectly, the lace feeling heavenly regardless of the tight corset that was underneath. Her hips were emphasized with the light pink flowers meticulously placed right above them and the small jewels on the collar of the dress made her feel joyous and special. Even though (Y/N) was in and out of the dress throughout the entire preparations of the coronation, she never got a good look at herself in the dress. But now in her dress, in her pinkish-white robe and in the bedazzled placement crown that fit perfectly on her head, she felt beautiful, powerful and like she resembled a true Queen.

Hopefully Sean will be there to see me in this dress. I wonder if he'd like it...

The to-be queen continued to get ready, wanting nothing but her twin brother to witness her get crowned. She didn't care about anything else, other than the possibility of their eight-year separation being ended by her becoming queen. It was magical in (Y/N)'s eyes, betting all her hope on Sean being there to see her turn into a queen. She allowed herself to be pampered by everyone in the castle as the sun reared its head and the streets started to fill with life, the entire village gathering in the halls of the church by the time the clock hit 10 a.m. Royal families from neighbouring villages and countries toured the main square briefly in their stunning traditional attires, vibrant red dresses and blue suits entering the church as they made small talk with others. Virgine was filled with happiness and welcoming energy to the foreigners, which helped them quickly become accustomed to the small village and each other.

The four main maids did the finishing touches as the tailor and make-up artist excused themselves to prepare for the main event. They were also dressed, Fayre dawning a slick ponytail while Alina had her pink locks in two buns. They sported the same light green coloured dresses, Keva's bound together at her right shoulder and Luan using a matching colour shoulder shawl that hid the skinny dress straps. They made sure (Y/N) looked flawless as the clock was slowly hitting 10:45 (even though it felt like time was running faster than ever), using hair wax to make sure every strand of the girl's brown bangs fell in front of her eyes perfectly, but not enough to obstruct her vision. Fayre asked her too many times if the corset or dress was too tight, Keva helped her slip into white heels adorned with more pink flowers, Alina sprayed her with a light perfume that smelled like cherries while Luan handed everyone their pieces of jewelry and made sure everyone looked their best.

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