Chapter 22

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The sun was setting, the clear sky turning a cozy orange and purple hue when the twins reconvened at the center of the main square where they initially parted in the beginning. For a moment, the siblings couldn't look each other in the eyes, Sean's beige pants covered in dust and the corner of (Y/N) smothered in tart crumbs. It was fair to say they enjoyed their time apart and the silence between them was broken when Sean cleared his throat, pushing his thoughts of the beautiful woman he bumped into away in favour of hearing about his sister's day, the scarf he bought her held carefully in his tattered hands.

"Seems like you enjoyed yourself-" The older twin started, arms crossed behind his head as they walked together back to the castle, but he didn't relax easily when he smelled a foreign scent coming from the young girl. He stopped in his tracks and sniffed the air around her, his thick eyebrows furrowing as his mind jumped to several different conclusions. "You smell like a man. Where did you go?" He asked like an investigator, tone harsh and demanding of answers.

"The bakery on the corner of Jade Street. I was just looking and the guy there gave me tea and a tart." She said in fake nonchalance and omitting crucial detail when in reality, the young girl's mind couldn't stop replaying the encounter she had with the beautiful young boy with the captivating voice, swearing to herself to never forget his name. She was basically vibrating over it but wanted to appear cool in front of Sean, who wanted to pry more but was cut off. "I could ask you the same. I heard you bumped into a girl." She wiggled her eyebrows, a sinister smirk creeping on his lips. (Y/N) would never let an opportunity to tease her dear twin like this go to waste.

"Where did you hear that from?" The taller boy said with an accusatory tone, thick eyebrows raised, wondering how she knew about it. I thought no one saw it. She got psychic powers or something?

"Doesn't matter. Answer the question." (Y/N) snickered, noticing the slightest shift in his demeanour and attempting to trap him. Silly older bro, I know everything about you.

"It was nothing, we just weren't paying attention and accidentally bumped into each other. We said our apologies and went our separate ways. It wasn't anything..." The older twin mumbled under his breath, his cheeks turning a rosy pink at the mention of the girl. He couldn't believe that's how introduced himself, so embarrassingly of all things. He made a promise to himself to make it up to her and become more presentable.

"Ha? The both of you coincidentally not paying attention? Sounds suspicious." She teased, laughing evilly as she sized the boy up with unwavering determination to get him to buckle. They always teased like this, barking and calling each other out like their lives depended on it in order to get the last laugh.

"I'd argue a random guy serving you tea and tarts is more suspicious." Sean fought back, rolling his eyes and continuing to walk carelessly into the busy square, (Y/N) pining to his side as usual. He looked down at her, noticing her attempts to not seem scared and remain confident in their teasing, but no matter how much they fought and dissed the other, she was still his sister, his other half. Sean would do this forever if it meant her always sticking to his side, would bring her outside and back, walk her through the square and laugh at her if it meant being her brother. With a soft smile, he swore to himself to never let her frown again.


For the next couple of days, (Y/N) would frequent the bakery of Jade Street after she finished her duties at the castle. Sometimes she would skip her duties altogether, leaving the people at parliament extremely confused as she headed straight to the small shack without a care in the world. Her father gave her a stern warning about abandoning her duties, but all the information went in one ear and out the other, the young queen daydreaming about what conversations she could spark up with Mark as her father grew tired with frustration.

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