Chapter 19

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(Y/N) was not in her right mind due to the extreme backlash, the screams and pleas of her people plaguing her head the entire evening when she got back to the castle. She started overthinking her decisions, over contemplating and second-guessing herself even though she felt like she made the right decision in her heart. It was stressing her out, the exact outcome she wanted to avoid, consuming copious amounts of tea and sugary snacks while she was studying and completing some leftover homework from the previous night. As much as the young queen tried, she couldn't stop her mind from spinning, couldn't bury the incoherent thoughts with her work and instead just stared at the empty space in front of her, getting lost in a trance as she picked at her nails, a habit she gained from her mother. I wonder if Mom ever went through this, she'd definitely know the right thing to do...God, what would she do...?

Turning the corner, Sean walked by the study and felt the uneven aurora radiating from the room, his body feeling sluggish with negativity and no words had to be said for him to understand that something was off. Ever since their previous altercation, it has become a habit of his to stabilize his sister either by his words or by calming her with sweets and tea, the ladder usually being more safe and effective. But this time, he thought of a different method, one where they can both chill in harmony without the stress and negativity that their duties bring upon them. It'll be a resemblance to what was before, something similar to our previous life, he thought as he placed the heavy wall of books (Y/N) ordered him to get from the town's library on the floor, leaning against the room's door frame.

"You've been inhaling all this tea and cookies but not once have I seen you move your pencil," he started, his voice startling the girl and breaking her from her trance. Once she realized it was Sean, she grunted, rolling her eyes and looking at her papers as if she was actually doing something. "Have you actually gotten any work done?"

Grumpily, she replied, "what's it to you?"

"You're out of it and you're filling the entire castle with negative energy." Sean said, his tone serious with a hint of worry as he eyed his sister, taking note of her bouncing leg and the way she picked at her nails. He was genuinely worried about her, scared she'll lose herself in this state of mind and lash out again. It already happened once and he wouldn't be surprised if it happened again, but as her servant, he wanted to try and prevent that. "Take a breather once in a while, yeah?"

"That's easy for you to say since you aren't in my position." She said, scribbling words on her paper. A small, sour pang rang through Sean's heart, but he didn't focus on it much, he wanted to put his new plan into motion. "There is so much I need to do, I can't just 'take a breather." Huffing, Sean sprang into action, walking up to the table and sweeping the books and papers off, scattering them all over the hardwood floor. He knows he has to clean it up later, but right now all his attention was on the stressed brown-haired girl, whose eyes shot open wide, her hands bunching into small fists and was seconds away from shouting at the boy and getting understandably pissed off. The blue-eyed boy silenced her with a grin, putting his index finger up and in front of her face.

"Yes, you can." He said and (Y/N) rolled her eyes, a deep sigh leaving her lips. "We can, together. Tomorrow. Let's go for a walk in the square and get some fresh air."

"You think it's a good idea for me to face the public now? I'm going to get assassinated." The young girl raised a thick eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think it's a good idea for you to reconnect with nature and relax. If you get assassinated, just think of it as a bonus." Sean raised his shoulders as he began collecting the papers he threw on the floor, a smug smile on his face and his ocean-blue eyes sparkling when there were no reasonable objections to their outing tomorrow. She was actually willing to go outside with him and he was happy, feeling like a crisis had been averted.

"I can't think when I'm dead, idiot." She mumbled, wrapping up the night by organizing the papers and books with Sean, the anxiety about going outside sitting in the back of her head.


The next day, the twins spent the entire morning getting ready for their outing. No one else knew of their plans so when Alina and Fayre entered the queen's room, shocked to still see her in bed munching on sweet bread while working on a new drawing instead of rushing like usual to get ready for her job, they had to question it.

"May I know why you aren't getting ready, Your Majesty?" The oldest maid asked, hands on her hips as she tilted her head to the side. She mentally prepared herself in case the young girl was in one of her moods, not wanting to get hit by her fire but at the same time, she needed to get ready for Parliament.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. Sean and I are going out this afternoon so I'm not going to Parliament today." (Y/N) chimed, stuffing her face with the delicious bread, white bathroom robe hanging off her shoulder while she reached for the pile of pencil crayons that were scattered on her bed. "Can you also tell Ms. Evie that? I don't want her to stress about my absence." The maids took note of how upbeat and cherry the young girl's attitude was this morning, very different from their regular mornings together. It kind of unnerved them to see her out of her accustomed sour mood, wondering what Sean did to her but never questioning out loud.

"Oh, if that's the case then okay. Do you need any help getting ready?" Fayre asked, brushing a piece of black and grey hair behind her ear. (Y/N) shook her head and that was the end of their conversation, the maids leaving the room with the eldest bewildered.

"Don't sweat it, Fairy." Alina chimed, holding onto the elder's arm and smiling up at her. "If anyone can put (Y/N) in a good mood, it's her twin brother that knows her best!"

"I guess..." Fayre sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "At least we get a break from our usual routine."

"Which means we have more time to ourselves." The pink-haired woman whispered with a sinister grin on her face, making the tips of Fayre's ears turn bright pink, embarrassed beyond words. She hated how much of an effect Alina had on her, but the idea was intriguing, knowing that both twins would be out of the castle for the day and the maids wouldn't have to worry about them at all; they would finally have time to enjoy each other's presence without tending to a cranky (Y/N) and being at attention at all times. Maybe...The maid pondered, indulging in the thought of spending quality time with her girls.

Meanwhile, the young queen began getting ready, dressing in one of the few slim sundresses buried in her closet. She felt like her usual ballgowns would be too much for a hot day like today (which was a lie she told herself, (Y/N) would wear her ballgowns in any weather), the pinkish-white fabric falling just above her knees and the puffy mesh sleeves sitting above her elbow. She didn't play with her hair much and was very subtle about her makeup, only applying blush and peach eyeshadow to match the dress. After putting a few butterfly hairpins, (Y/N) was out of her room, Sean waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase, dressed in black shorts, suspenders and a grey flat cap.

"About time," he grunted, looking down at his brown leather watch, a hand-me-down from his father. The more he frowned, looking at his twin in disappointment, the more he looked like their old man. "It's already noon, the square is probably already packed. Can you be any more time conscious?"

"Great things take time, Sean. Now are you just gonna stand there complaining or are we going to leave?" She said, smirking as she put on white loafers and draped her white woollen purse over her shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just don't start crying when we have to cross the road." He sighed, following the twin out the door and closing it behind them. Unbeknownst to the two, Fayre, Alina and Keva stood behind a wall, watching them bicker as they left. Fayre couldn't believe her eyes and subsequently couldn't say anything in protest, Alina's yellow eyes sparkling at the revelation and Keva locking the doors before sighing, throwing her hands behind her head. She smirked once she returned her gaze to the other maids.

"I guess we have the castle to ourselves." The ginger-haired girl said.

"I guess we do...?" Fayre replied, confused and worried for the twins but figured they weren't babies anymore. Sean and (Y/N) were big, responsible teenagers, and have done many things without their supervision. If anything, Sean is capable of diffusing situations and taking control, so there's nothing to worry about. They could watch over themselves and not get into any trouble


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