Chapter 13

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Eventually, things started to come together. When repeating her lines, practicing the knighting ceremony with her father and picking up the ques of each sequence, (Y/N)’s speech became clearer and her knowledge of different trading rules and restrictions sharpened with the days leading up to the ceremony. Her chest was still being bound by tight corsets and the soles of her feet still ached with the number of heels she tried on, but a dress was finally chosen and so was the jewelry. (Y/N) was still exhausted, but the thought of it coming to an end made her optimistic and kept her spirit up for the most part. Even through the tedious instructions of the director when the girl practiced for the first time in the village’s church, yelling at her to straighten her posture, broaden her shoulder, and lift her chin, (Y/N) always reminded herself that it was soon coming to an end; that she’ll never have to do this again and will not hesitate to tear out the nerves of anyone who suggested otherwise. 

She was going to be Queen, hooray, but the thing she was most happy about was getting to relax and breathe for once in weeks.

Preparations were almost done a few weeks after (Y/N) was bombarded with everything at once. Invitations were given, decoration of the venue was near completion and the after-party was starting to come together. Everything was slowly but surely being set in place for an event that was going to go down in the history books, and the maids of the royal family couldn’t believe they were witnessing history. It was three days till the official ceremony and they were busy in the church, setting up the final finishing touches to the venue while also placing flowers on the tables and chairs. The sun was beating in through the windows and it was very hot, so they had to crack a few doors open for air to circulate. Working since four in the morning, they were getting hungry and tired by noon so Fayre offered to go back to the castle to get something to eat while the other three continued to work…at least that was the plan.

“You guys continue setting up the flowers. A few pink ones need to be placed on the top over here,” she pointed to the entrance of the building. “Don’t forget the table in the back, the man with the tablecloth and plates should be coming in soon.” The oldest maid said with worry laced in her speech, her thin black eyebrows knotting anxiously. Fayre always feared situations where Luan, Keva and Alina were left to their own devices, they rarely get any work done when they’re together. They are still high-quality maids, hardworking and the best at their craft in the entire country, it was the whole reason the McLoughlin family chose them to serve them. 

But, they can get a little careless, especially without Fayre’s supervision.

“Keva, remember the cutlery on the third table to the left that doesn’t have any.” The maid with a blue and brown eye said, nervously picking at her nails, stressing herself out like she was the one being left behind. She just could never be sure with the younger trio. “Luan, can you please dust the windows, no wonder it’s so stuffy in here-” 

“Yes, yes, yes, we’ll do all that.” Keva interrupted her with a big grin, turning the taller maid around and pushing her out of the church. Alina and Luan stayed back, waving at the older maid with innocent smiles. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, Fairy.” Her words were emphasized with every little push until Fayre was at the bottom of the stairs entering the church, a deeper, sinister intent behind her pushing. The maid with black and grey hair picked up on it instantly, turning around in great worry, fearing they weren’t even listening to her small panic-filled rant.

“Keva- please guys we can’t be slacking off this close to the coronation ceremony.” Fayre panicked, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

“I think we’ll be okay. Plus, you’re only going to get us snacks.” Alina tried to reason, a joyous and comforting smile on her face. “You’ll be back in no time, right Fairy?” The younger maid batted her golden yellow eyes as a way to act cutesy. She knew what her puppy dog eyes did to the older maid, and Fayre’s heart was breaking into a million pieces, her cheeks turning hot and pink.

The People's Princess (siblings!jacksepticeye & reader)Where stories live. Discover now