Chapter 8

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It was rocky, to say the least. 

To raise two children all by himself after the tragic death of his wife wasn’t something Killian was prepared for. He was ready to have a family, to grow and be a decent father, to show off a side of him no one has seen, but he did so with Sile in mind. He wanted to grow with her, to be a decent father with her, but now she’s gone, and he had no choice but to prosper by himself. 

Obviously, his sister and the maids made everything ten times easier, he was forever grateful for their kind gestures, but he can’t lie and say this is how he wanted it to be. It was simply not the same, but he had made a promise to do the best he could because he knew Sile would do the best she could if it was her. He had to, it was law between him and her.

“As long as we have each other, we can go through anything.”

They have each other.

It may not be in person, but Killian still has his queen by his side.

And thus, he pushed on, determined to exert himself to his limits just to prove Sile’s death wasn’t for nothing. It wouldn’t be fair to her if he slacked off; it would be uneven, and he wouldn’t truly have her nor would he set a good example for his children, so he got up and became the best dad he possibly could and willed his way through the heartaches and the tears. He fought through the pain with her words constantly in his mind and has lasted for six years. With his blood, sweat and tears, he was proud to admit he stayed strong for six years and has raised the most sharp-witted, smart-mouthed, cunning children to ever walk on Virgine soil. If Sile’s funeral made him shed tears like a baby, Sean and (Y/N) were about to make him retire and live in the mountains.

It was more Sean than (Y/N), his conniving blue eyes always filled with sin while he was up to no good. Jumping from roofs to roofs, causing trouble with his seniors at school and pulling pranks at parliament was only the tip of the iceberg; only a glimpse into Sean’s regular life. He always had energy to spare, always looking for dangerous activities to do, always looking for someone to piss off. Killian, Yseult, the maids, everyone tried to tame him but it simply wasn’t an answer. To Sean, chaos was the norm. 

His sister, on the other hand, was rather quiet and reserved, eyes always wide and curious, standing a few meters away when her brother was scheming in the corner. She never participated, but she always watched. Maybe she was taking mental notes, maybe she wasn’t paying attention, the people will never know because she hardly speaks. (Y/N) was low energy, too exhausted to do anything but watch her brother fight the maids while he dangled from the chandeliers. It was a good balance between them, but Sean’s craziness was enough to send everyone running for cover.

The twins, now giants compared to when they were in diapers, looked identical: same eyes, same nose, same mouth, same face shape, all features stolen from their mother. The only thing they shared in common with their dad was their dark brown hair and blue eyes, but other than that, they were carbon copies of each other. They both kept their hair length just after their ears (Sean did it for “practical reasons”, (Y/N) said “because it’s pretty”), the tips slightly curled and wispy bangs right on their bushy eyebrows. The only way to differentiate the pair was to see which one was always a hair’s length away from death.

Their second day at school did not fail to highlight that fact.

The twins were enrolled in the usual private school, Lilac Diamond Academy, where royals from every generation, every kingdom and every lineage attended. Filled with top-notch teachers and staff, it was a big school that prioritized learning and helped prepare upcoming royals for their duties, teaching their young pupils royal etiquette, domestic and international laws. It was also a good source for connections, as royals who grow up to take the throne in their village often communicated with other royals and traded exclusive items with each other. The academy was like no other and it was little ways from the McLoughlin castle which made for interesting things to occur.

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