eleven :)

394 20 16

I'll Be - Edwin McCain

"Talk to me." He said, slowing down at a red light.

"I thought we established that i didnt want to talk to you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"The attitude is unnecessary, Star." He said, voice calm but void of any emotion. No anger, no sadness, no disappointment.

"A lot is unnecessary." I replied.

"Asterin, im trying to be calm with you, talk to me. What did i do to make you angry with me?"

I stayed quiet. I wasn't talking about this.

The blinker filled the silence.

The street lights popped on.

The people on the streets were walking and talking, living their lives.

"We have to stop by the house." He said, breaking the silence.

"Fine" I responded.

The sun was setting though it was hard to see.

I could gear dogs barking.

The car hummed as we sped up and turned.

"Asterin seriously, im losing my patience. Talk to me."

"Wonder how you keep your patience with Madi then." I responded. Im pushing my luck but maybe it'll make him leave me.

I dont want him to go. Why am i putting up my walls with the one person i know destroys them? I hate fucking feelings.

"Because i raised you, now you wanna tell me what the fuck is wrong? You leave tomorrow and im not trying to end it on a bad note."

"God just stop trying!" I yelled, turning away from him.

I hate this i hate this i hate this i hate-

"Killer stop putting up your walls. Im not trying to hurt you okay? We have to fix this, whatever the fuck is going on we have to fix because you're right. You're right Asterin i always get deployed early. I never say no. I always agree and it hurts. And it makes me look untrustworthy and makes you feel an ass amount of pain and i hate it too but you have to understand, i need to do it. I need to do it for you and for Madi and for my Mom and for Asher and for every single person i love. It hurts Asterin, it'll never get better and you'll probably never understand until you're being put in a position where you have to sacrifice everything for the people you love." He said, paying attention to the road and not making a single glance toward me.

"You left."

"What?" He asked, looking at me as we were not stopped.

"You left. You left the hotel room and you wanna know my immediate thought?"

Silence. Silence was all that came from him because he knew what was going through my head.

"You know, you are the one person who is supposed to stay. Who is supposed to fight for me and love me unconditionally and be the father my sperm donor never wanted to be. Somehow though, somehow i get stuck imagining your death. I get stuck with you leaving every few weeks and not seeing you for months on end. I get stuck thinking you're gonna abandon me just like my mom and dad did." I said as we pulled into his driveway. I got out of the car and walked inside.

Why are we even here?

"You don't even know why were here, Asterin." He yelled as I walked inside. He was soon rught behind me.

"I don't need too!" I yelled, walking up the stairs to be greeted faithfully by Dutch.

"Go pack a bag." He said, voice flat once again.

"Im not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, drawing so many people put of their rooms.

"Asterin go pack a god damn bag!" He said, drained of all fight.

"Ugh!" I yelled, not wanting to listen to him right now.

I fucking hate him
No, no i dont.
Now i hate myself for even thinking it.

"You okay?" Asher asked, looking at me from the doorway.

"No Asher! Take a fucking hint! Go the hell away!" I screamed, losing my shit with the last person i should have.

Second to last, last person is the person im beyond angry with. Im not even mad at him im mad at myself.

"Jesus christ Asterin, calm the fuck down. I didnt do hack shit to you." He said. I flung my bag over my back and walked out, nudging him in the process. I made sure to grab the stuffed animal my uncle got me.

"You ready?" He asked, i ignored him and walked downstairs.

"Were not going anywhere until you answer me."

"Yes, im ready." I mumbled, He followed me down and I got into the car. Now come the tears i fucking hate. I hate crying. I hate crying so many times in one day.

"Asterin, why are you crying?" He asked gently, he wasnt even angry. He was tired of fighting though.

"When i was angry with you, i told myself i hated you and then i got mad at myself because that's the last thought id ever imagine myself having. Its also so untrue im just mad and i hate myself for even thinking it simply because im mad."

"It's alright, ive done that a few times. Asterin, my intentions are never to hurt you."

"I know, it just hurts nonetheless." J said, wiping my eyes.

"I know it does."

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Back to the hotel. You and Izzy have a hotel, Ranboo Tubbo and Tommy have one. Me and Will have the other. Tomorrow were all gonna hang out while Darla picks up Madi and then youre gonna hang out with her before you leave to go back home with Izzy."

"Izzy is coming back with me?!"

"Yeah, you didnt really think you'd get two days with your beat friend from another country right?"

"Well i didnt know!"

"You do know who planned this all right?"

"Mom mom?"

"No Asterin, Asher did."

"Turn the car around i need to go apologize now."

He turned the car around with a chuckle. Since we'd only been a few minutes away we made it back rather quickly. I sprinted inside and found him laying on his bed. I jumped on top of him hugging him.

"Thank you for everything. Im sorry for being a dick recently. I really love you." I whispered.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, i love you too." He said before pushing me off the bed. I waved with a smile and got back into the car.

We were off to the hotel for one of my now core memories to be made.

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