nineteen :)

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Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender

I got home and walked through the door. The adrenaline was still pulsing through my veins as i made my way back to my bedroom.

You make me insane

Does he know i know the feeling? How care free and safe and crazy I feel around him? How much our connection just sends electricity racing through my nerves?

Nothing is ever bad with you, Heart

Does he even realize how much those words mean to me? How much this night meant to me?

Rite-Aid Boy :)

made it home
tommy caught me
hes not so happy

what'd you say?
oh shit
izzy caught me
good luck to you bc my bitch gonna just listen to me talk

he literally called me a simp and started snorinf


why do you do that


go to sleep
goodnight asterin

goodnight carter :)


"You better have a good explanation for why i woke up alone."

"Hold on, texting tall boy." I said, toeing off my shoes and jumping on my bed next to her. she laid her head on my shoulder and i laid my head on hers. "Okay, good to go."

"You snuck out, huh?" She guessed and i nodded, yawning softly. It was close to four in the morning now. He'd dropped me off an hour ago, but i just walked around until i tired myself out.


"He kissed me. He told me I made him insane, but he doesn't even know how crazy he makes me. My heart was still beating with adrenaline until i laid down with you and he dropped me off an hour ago. Izzy, how do I get out of it?" I asked and I guess it was the last question she expected from me.

"Why do you want out?"

"I'm gonna get hurt, everyone leaves."

"I havent and i won't. It's me ans you, forever and always, Ash."

I wish that promise was kept.


"Im licensed!"  I yelled, running out of the building with my license in hand. I jumped on my Uncle before hugging Izzy tightly.

"I knew you could do it, Killer." My Uncle said with a smile. We all went out to lunch and we just talked. He got to know Izzy more on a personal level with it just being us three. I knew he loved her, knew she was good for me. Once we made it back to his house, Izzy stood outside while me and my Uncle came in. I used the bathroom and he went to get my car keys.

They were in the kitchen, arguing over something i couldn't hear. I opened the bathroom door and the words were clearer, less distant.

"You've spent more time with your niece than you have your own wife and kid, Jimmy! I need you to be home more! You only have limited time and I get it, Asterin and you have a special bond! But I need you and so does your kid."

"Asterin needs me too."

"I know that! I feel terrible for even saying this! But we need you too, Madi needs her dad."

"Alright, alright fine." He sighed. I walked down the hallway, grabbed my keys off the counter, and walked out before anyone could say anything.

"Don't be stupid Star!" My uncle yelled.

"Fuck off!" I screamed, slamming the door on my way out.

"Going home?" Izzy asked hesitantly, seeing the anger practically coming off as smoke out of my ears.

"Nope, we get to see your boyfriend." I mumbled, turning over the car and speeding out if the driveway. Izzy turned on music but I couldn't get into the upbeat of it.

"Here, i'll put this on." Izzy said, changing the song mid lyric and putting on Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender. I cranked up the volume and started screaming the lyrics. Once we made it to the address Izzy got from Tommy, all three boys walked out of the house. Ranboo looked concerned, i put on an act.

"Your chariot awaits, boys." I said with a smile. "Newly licensed and all!"

"So it's not illegal?" Tommy asked, jumping in behind Izzy.

"Not at all!" I yelled, allowing the other two to get in the car before flooring it. My phone rang and I answered it.

"You gonna come back so we can talk?" I heard my Aunt Darla's voice through the phone.

I laughed because seriously? "Nope!" I yelled, hanging up and going on dnd. So maybe being on my phone and driving wasn't safe, but we all made it out alive.

I went to the park and everyone got out, everyone but Ranboo.

"You're pissed." He said, sitting in the passenger as he watched the other three run down to the swing set. He threw his legs over the top of the door and rested against the middle console.

"Good observation, you want a fucking medal or something?" I said, letting my facade go. What i didn't expect were tears to start steaming down my face in doing so.

"Nope, but if it cheers you up go for it." Ranboo said. It pulled a laugh out if me, i'll admit. "Talk to me."

"It's none if your business."

"Then don't talk to me about whats wrong, just talk to me." Ranboo said, reaching his hand down to grab mine and he drew small stars on my hand.


"I'm not a fragile girl you can fix."


"I never said you were, Asterin."


"Then why?"


"Why what?"


"Do you stay? Do you persist to know me? Why do you enjoy my presence?"

Adrenaline Junkie

"Because you're you, Asterin."

Hot Headed

"And i'll be damned if I end my life without getting to know the Asterin Heart and having the knowledge and experience to say that I got to be apart of Asterin Heart's crazy life and crazy memories."


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