epilogue :)

116 4 58

You're Losing Me - Taylor Swift

Ranboo's POV

This is fucking ridiculous. We ended things, I guess, a week ago and yet somehow here I am, still moping about it.

I need to make things right

No i dont

It's a constant battle between right and wrong in my head and i always go back to the fact that I don't know anything right now. I don't know how she is or how she feels or if she's okay or if she's even alive. I know nothing. I need to know. After four long days of silencing my phone and only talking to my school friends, I unsilence ,my phone and have a load of messages from Izzy, Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, etc.

Izzy Glizzy Asterin's Soulmate




Hey, i know your messages are silenced but are you there?

She hasn't talked to me in two days
Xavier she hasn't fucking messaged me in two days and you haven't talked to me in four
What the hell happened?

Do you even know if she's okay?



Ranboo i'm seriously worried
I can't sleep
Can you please call her?

Please i'm sitting here begging you
Just unsilence your phone
Just for a moment

I know its eating you alive too.


Good morning, phone unsilenced yet?

Take that as a no

Fuck you.

She messaged me two days ago.



She needs to be able to live her life without someone dragging her down Ranboo and you need to let her do that. I understand why you guys fought but it's insane how you just feel as though she cant do what she wants. She's not your responsibility. I'm pissed at Izzy about it to but despite it i'm here comforting her about her best friend.

You cannot just run away from your problems. You cannot fight and then leave. I don't care whether she confessed her love to you and you don't love her back but hurting her then leaving rather than talking about it? That's low. Especially for someone who isn't perfect himself. Expecting her to be is something you cannot do.

Your expectations for her have always been high. She needs to do this act like this be more like this. I know you never had good past relationships but neither has she and she isn't projecting it onto you. She was willing to risk everything for you and you were moulding her into someone she doesnt want to be.
That's just not right ranboo.

Talk to her, she deserves at least that from you.


Don't stick your nose in other people's business.

Really ranboo?
You know what fine. This is your argument and battle to have. But go to one of your other friends about it because right now I'm all for fucking asterin man.



Talk to her. I dont wanna hear what the hell anyone has to say about it. Talk to her, Xavier.

Bee Boy <3


Come back soon okay? I'm not gonna spam you with messages when I know you won't answer. I love you so much. Text me whenever you're back <3


This is the only nice message i have atm.
I've read the beginning of all the others and yours is the only nice one.
I love you and im sorry..

Ranboo im not mad. Im upset you hurt asterin but i know youre getting shit on for that so i decided to be a helpful factor not a tear you down one.
Go read the other messages and come back. <3

My Star Girl <33


Ranboo. This is the end huh. I mean you seem to be ignoring everyone. All your fans. All your friends. I haven't reached out since our final car ride, honestly I haven't reached out to anyone, but you especially. I never thought i'd say this, but it's okay. That we aren't meant to be. I guess I've know that since the beginning. All those nights we had, they meant more to me than they did to you and thats okay. Not everyone will be on the same page. Im not sure we can be friends after this though. We view life differently and I can't be around someone who thinks a life of pretending is one worth living. Therefore, here is your sense of reality.
Once I send this message your number will be deleted from my phone. You will no longer be my pretty rite aid boy or my adventure partner or my boo or my carter or my heart. You will just be a distant memory i shove in a box. You will have no reason to get in contact with me after this seeing as you don't really wan't me for me. I will not be messaging you or staying in contact with you as I need to heal from the heartbreak you have caused me. While i say "here is your reality" not one day went by where i thought this would happen. You were the guy who made me believe in fate again and that love exists and that maybe, I too could get my happy ending. Sadly that all went away now and i'm even worse off because of you. As much as i hate to say it Xavier, we weren't meant to be. This is a final goodbye, Xavier Carter. Until we meet again in the next lifetime.

And suddenly, the world went quiet.

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