twenty :)

107 5 3

Good Life - OneRepublic

Izzy and I spent the last two days of my spring break catching up on the lack of sleep we've had recently. We slept in many places, to be honest. We slept outside on rafts in the pool, that was an accident. We slept on the couch with Winnie and Tilly. We slept on the couch downstairs during many movies. We slept in Asher's room and kicked him out because we wanted his bigger tv, and Izzy's been waiting to torment him her entire stay. We slept in my room like, one night to be honest. We stayed at Aunt Jessie's one night and she let us illegally drink. Nobody knows that though.

Now, now we're in a hotel room with Tommy and Tubbo playing king of the hill.

"You guys are gonna get hurt." Will said, walking in.

"What?" Izzy asked, turning her back on Tubbo. Wrong move, he pushed her off the bed. She fell off and cracked her head off of the carpeted floor.

"My point exactly." Will said, watching his niece laugh her ass off on the floor.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! That sounded like it hurt! Did it hurt?' Tubbo asked, jumping off the bed and kneeling next to her. "Is the laughing good?!"

"No, she's hurt." I said, holding my head as the start of a headache came over me.

"Ow." She laughed out, closing her eyes to the tears wouldn't be seen. Will huffed and lifted her off the floor.

"I vote we stop now." Tommy said. He was distracted, now's my time.

"Don't even think about it, Asterin." Will said, setting Izzy on the bed and giving me a warning look.

"Fine." I groaned, dropping the pillow. Tommy hit me with the pillow as soon as the pillow was out of my hands and my jaw dropped.

"Tommy, go get shit from the vending machine. You pay since you didn't want to listen to me. Go." Will said, not even lifting his head as he talked to him.


"Go, Tom."

"Fine." he sighed, walking out of the room with his wallet.

"You okay, kid?"

"Yeah, yeah. I've had worse, ask my dad." She joked.

"You've been around me too long." I laughed, sitting on the bed next to her.

"It's true." Tubbo commented, looking at her with an apologetic look.

"I'm good, Toby, promise." She said, smiling at him softly.

"My head says otherwise." I said with a laugh.

"Shut up, Ash." She laughed. Needless to say king of the hill was a bad idea.

"What all have you guys done?" Tubbo asked while Will went to find Tommy.

"I snuck out the night we got back." I said with a shrug.

"We've literally slept." Izzy laughed.

"You snuck out?" Tubbo asked and I nodded.

"So did your beloved Ranboo."

"That's where he went?!" Tubbo asked, eyes widening.

"Yeah, we were out til three am. I stayed out another hour and we got home at the same time. Izzy caught me and listened to me and Tommy caught him and lectured him. It was funny."

"Tommy was just mad he was alone." Izzy said with a shrug. Tubbo and I laughed.

The pair walked in and Will had ice in one hand and the other completely free while Tommy had drinks in snacks overloading his arms.

"Tommy got punished." I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me but smiled nonetheless.

"I got you ice for your head, darling." Will said, sitting next to her with a small bag of ice and setting it in between the pillow and her head.

"Thank you, Uncle Will." She smiled up at him. Tommy threw the snacks on the other bed and put the drinks next to the tv. He walked to the bed and sat at the end of Izzy's body.

"You okay, love?" He asked, smiling softly at her. She gave a thumbs up and smiled back.

"I think we can all agree to take it down a few notches, yeah?" Will said, eyeing us all.

"Yeah." We all collectively agreed.

"Good." He said, moving to sit on the other bed before realizing the snacks. He sighed and moved them to the desk across the room. He plopped down, texting on his phone, and letting us be. Tommy moved and laid in between Izzy's legs. I sprawled out next to her and Tubbo laid across the end, his next next to my socked feet. Will put on the tv, selecting a random channel that seemed to have us all mesmerized. Until my phone pinged at least. I picked it up and read the messages, a smile forming on my face.

Rite-Aid Boy :)

Ms. Heart
I'm bored

that sucks
wyd abt it

texting you

okay sassy
sass me again and you can watch me leave like my dad did

you and trauma jokes
better couple than us fr

they've always supported me ranboo

let me take over then

nah I'm good



you're so not actually -_-

I am
you just don't enjoy my humor

you just can't type huh


im texting Tubbo
fuck you

have fun
he's laying next to my feet
I'll kick him


oh shit will is provoking my phone
bye rite aid boy :P

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