sixteen :)

116 5 44

Miss Independent - NeYo

"Uncle Jimmy." I whined as he walked through the door. Izzy was rummaging through her bag to give me something to wear, but to no avail. "I don't have anything nice."

"Why don't we take you back to mine? I know you have some things there and if not Darla does." Uncle Jimmy said. "Only issue is I'm still getting ready and can't take you. Tall guy is done tho, so i'm sure he can take you."

My uncle winked at me. He fucking winked at me. what the fuck is my life. I huffed, walking to the door that connected our rooms before it opened. I lifted my head, looking at the tall boy towering over me.

"Heard you needed to go somewhere?" He asked with a small smile, but his voice was definitely giving me more than just a damn smile. Why the fuck did I have to be like this?

"Would you mind taking me to my aunt's house? You do mind? Dope thats cool, goodbye." I spoke quickly, trying to move him before he chuckled.

"I don't mind, your Uncle already asked me. But if you need to talk to Izzy about how ive been flirting with you all day, i'll go wait in the car." Ranboo said with a smirk. He knew what he was doing, he knew the game he was playing. What he doesn't realize is he just invited me to play.

"No, that's okay." I said with a smile, discreetly making sure my phone was still on the bed next to Izzy. I walked into the boys hotel room and out the door before Izzy could remind me of my phone.

We walked the hall to the elevator, hands brushing with every step. There was no doubt he wanted to be close to me. The only question was why?

"You'll need to direct me." He spoke quietly, leaning back against the wall of the elevator.

"I know." I spoke back, keeping the same tone. I glanced at him and he was already looking at me. The smile on his face said more about him than anything else.

"Shall we?" He asked, stepping off the elevator and extending a hand to me. I took his hand in mine with a smile as we ran through the lobby and to the car. We got yelled at, but who fucking cares? I didn't, i don't think he did.

Once we made it to the car, i turned on the music and directed him on where to go. It wasn't a long drive but long enough for tension to rise between us within the silence.

"Turn here, this driveway." I said softly, the words sounding louder due to the quiet. We pulled in and parked, just sitting in the car for a moment.

"Want me to go in with you?" He asked, turning the car off. I nodded and he got out with me. He walked in with me. He stayed by me the entire time. Why did that make me feel better?

"Why are you here?" Asher asked, looking at me as I walked into the living room. Ranboo was behind me and Asher's face morphed into that of anger and disgust.

"It's okay, I won't flirt with you again." Ranboo said with a joking smile, "Though can i request you not punch me this time? Couldn't eat solid food for three days, man."

"I need a dress for dinner or whatever. Didn't know if I had one here."

"You could have texted." Aunt Darla yelled from the kitchen. There was no emotion besides love in her tone and I knew she was just being caring and protective.

"I didn't think about that." I said, acting like I was trying to find my phone. "Actually, I dont even have my phone. Too bad for the hot pictures i was gonna take."

I genuinely didn't think about the pictures and now my mood is dampened. Fuck, those pictures were gonna be hot.

"Use mine and send them to yourself." Ranboo said, passing me his phone. I smiled and took it with no protest. I walked into me and Asher's shared room and snapped on the light. I found the exact dress i was looking for in record time. I slipped it on and slipped on a pair of flats. I quickly walked into Aunt Darla's room.

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