tweleve :)

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What The Hell - Avril Lavigne

"This is so illegal!" I exclaimed, looking at the brown haired girl as we sprinted down the stairs. It was two am and not one person knows we left.

"What?!" Izzy exclaimed, running out of the hotel doors next to me. We ran to my car and jumped into it, putting the top down to feel the warm air San Francisco likes to give.

"Izzy, you know how you can't get your driver's license until seventeen?"

"Yeah?" She asked, looking at me as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Ywah, well here in the U.S. we can get our permit at sixteen and drive, but only with an adult above the age of 21."

"Im not twenty one, Ash."

"This is illegal, Izzy." I said, copying her tone and pulling onto the main road effortlessly.

"My uncle's gonna kill me." Izzy yelled.

"So is mine!" I screamed, speeding up as we were the only ones on the road. If we were in San Jose, and know exactly where the cops were and slow down and such. Because I don't know that well, this was rather dangerous.

I pulled into a parking lot and looked at Izzy. The entirety was empty, not a soul in sight.

"No, no no no whats that look for? I can feel it."

"You know how to drive stick, right?"

"Yeah, I have to practice on Will's car that has one. Why?"

"So you know how it works and when you have to switch it?"

"Yeah, thats the first thing he taught me."

"You're driving."


"Get in the fucking drivers seat. I mean obviously i wont push you, but its good practice and since its already illegal for me."

"Fine, but if i even get a little worked up we switch."

"That's fine!" I screamed, hopping out of the driver's seat. She walked around like a normal human ans I just jumped into the passenger seat. She drive around the parking lot a little until she felt comfortable with everything. Then we went on the road. She didn't go too fast but she did do a loop around and when we got back to the park, there was some trouble.

"Hey! This is trespassing this late at night!" We heard. Izzy froze and i had to try and convince her to move. it wasnt working and he was calling for back up.

"IZZY! I NEED YOU TO MOVE! I NEED TO GET US OUT OF THIS!" I screamed, making her jump up and run around the car. I put the car into reverse and turned around the best I could. I put it in drive and put the gad to the floor. At least it felt like that in the moment.

"YEAHHH!" I screamed, my hair flying everywhere. "IZZY! IZ TURN ON AVRIL LAVIGNE!"

She picked up my phone, hands shaking, and put on the station i asked. The first song was "What The Hell" and I screamed the lyrics as Cops were chasing us.

"You are bloody bat shit crazy, you fuckin' wanker!" Izzy said, her voice growing louder and louder as we circles around the streets for a fourth time.

"No Izzy, it's called living my fucking life to the fullest before its ripped away!" I screamed, knowing these cops were now off of our tail as it's been about an hour.

I turned the stereo down as we pulled into the parking spot at the hotel.

"You're not mad at me are you?" I asked as we pulled the top up.

"No, im just not used to this. Im used to hearing about it and imagining it, but not actually experiencing it."

"Experiencing what?"

"Adrenaline rushes." She said, looking up at me with a small smile. The worry and fear in her eyes said it all though.


"Did you bring the key?" I asked, looking at her as she checked her pockets. She yawned before shaking her head no. I sighed, knowing i hadn't grabbed it.

"Could you call, Tommy or someone? I didn't grab it.." I said softly. She nodded, pulling out her phone and facetiming Tommy. It took a few tries, but he finally answered.

"What? What's wrong?" He said, not even phased by how late it was. You could clearly hear Tubbo and Ranboo arguing in the background.

"We're locked out of the hotel. Could you calmly and quietly let us in?"

"Yeah of course, tell me about it tomorrow? You look tired."

"I am, we'll tell you tomorrow." She said before hanging up. You could hear the door open in the room before the hotel room door opened.

We walked in the room and Tommy widened his eyes at us a few times. Neither of us got the hint until the room lights were all on and both of our uncles were sitting in the room.

uh oh.

"Is it too late to run?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe not." Izzy whispered.

"It's really too late now." Tommy said, not so quietly. We both glared at him and he looked at us in a confused manner.

"What?" He asked innocently. i hate him.

"Tom, leave." Will said in a stern voice.


"Go back to your room, Tommy." Will said, looking at him now with a stern look.

"Yeah, okay. Love you, Bella, goodnight. Goodluck guys." He said, kissing the side of Izzy's head and leaving.

"Are we in trouble?" I asked. My uncle looked at me and I knew. I knew we'd just been caught and now was not time for fun and games.

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