seventeen :)

106 6 19

crushcrushcrush - Paramore

"So, do I finally get your number?" Ranboo asked. Today was our last day together before I went back to San Jose with Izzy and Mom Mom and Asher. Luckily we won't be leaving until late tonight from my Uncle's house, but everyone else was back to their homes. Will, Tommy, and Tubbo are staying in San Fran for like three more days before coming to San Jose for another week. Then they leave too.

Then i'll really be alone.

"Work for it." I said before walking from the elevator we were in and into the lobby where everyone else was.

"You all ready for the last day?" Will asked with a smile.

"What's on the agenda?" Izzy asked, smiling at her uncle.

"We're all splitting up. You lot are all going around and walking the city in pairs. Me and Izzy are going somewhere else until around noon when we all meet up again for lunch and split off in different groups." Wilbur explained.

"Tall boy and Star, you will be separated as you both know the area well. Because I grew up here and Asterin did not, I will be accompanying her with whoever she's with. When Will and Izzy are back, we will switch groups accounting for them. We're all going in Asterin's car so Will can take the other. Asterin will be driving." My uncle explained with a smile. My smile was wide, wider than it has been in a while.

"I get to drive?" I asked, bouncing from foot to foot. He nodded at me with a smile.

"Oh, and Tall Boy is shot gun." He said, smiling directly at Ranboo.

"Dope! I finally get leg room." He said, not playing into the reaction my Uncle wanted from him.

"Let's hit the road, gang!" Will yelled which made all of us go to the cars. I waved bye to Izzy like my life depended on it until she was out of eye sight.

"Buckle up bitches!" I yelled with a wicked smile.

"Asterin." My uncle warned.

"I know i know! Language, language!" I yelled, backing out of the spot as i threw my phone to my uncle. "Dad gets music privileges since he knows my taste."


"You comment you die, Tommyinnit!" I yelled with a smile.

Freedom was a mantra in my head.


"Okay, Tommy and Ranboo will go together and Tubbo will come with us." My uncle said.

"Oh fun! I havent had much time with Asterin!" Tubbo said with a smile, walking over to me happily. Tomny complained, as per usual, but went with Ranboo nonetheless.

"We're gonna do go-karting today." My uncle said, walking in the direction we needed to go. Tubbo and I followed.

"Ive never been go-karting." Tubbo said, his voice laced with excitement.

"IvE nEvEr bEeN gO-kArTiNg." I mocked his accent as we all laughed. "I'll kick your asses."

"Not if I kick yours." My uncle replied.

"Oh, you're going down." I said back.

We made it to the place in a few minutes and I was fucking excited. We went inside, my uncle paid, and we bought our a track for just us three to go around for about an hour and a half.

We sat down in the karts and I smiled. Once the buzzer sounded we all started racing around the track. For Tubbo having never done it before, he dis really well fighting with us and keeping pace.

Eventually the Go Karting ended and we walked back to the main meeting area and walked around some shops. When noon rolled around, we were the last to show up to the restaurant.

"Have fun did we?" Izzy asked, looking at all the bags I was carrying. I can't lie, i am spoiled.

"We did! We went Go-Karting and then walked around some shops." I said as i sat down. We ordered food and talked about what all we did. Wilbur and Izzy didn't talk much about what they did, but they listened all the same.

Before any of us knew it, we were saying our goodbyes.

"I'll see you in a few days, darling." Will said, hugging Izzy with a smile. She hugged back before moving to the boys. Ranboo though, he was in front of me.

"We won't be apart long, I know it." He whispered, smiling down at me.

"Give me your hand." I said, pulling a pen out from my bag that i may or may not have stolen from the restaurant. He gave me his hand and i wrote my number on his palm.

call me, Carter :)

"What did I do to earn it?" He asked, smiling at the writing on his hand.

"You existed." I replied, hugging him as his arms wrapped around me.

"Asterin!" Tommy yelled. I pulled away from Ranboo and walked to the blonde boy.

"Stay sane, Tom." I said with a wide smile.

"Keep my girl safe, yeah?" He said, hugging me before pulling away with mock disgust.

"Yeah yeah, i'll do my best." I said as I walked to Tubbo. We just hugged, no words said. I walked to Will next, hugging him immediately.

"It was very lovely to meet you, Asterin. It's safe to say i'm a fan if your work." He said, hugging me back. My heart raced and I smiled. I nodded and walked to my uncle, hating how i just responded to my idol telling me this shit. We got in my car and my Uncle drove as me and Izzy sat in the back.

The sun was going down as we pulled into the driveway. I knew what was about to happen, I was actively watching Asher pack the car.

"Don't start shutting down." My uncle whispered to me as Izzy clung to my arm. She could feel my anxiety and sadness, i knew she could. "I'll still be here when you come back over in a week or two."

"I know." I whispered, taking a deep breath.

"Now, you have your drivers test scheduled for tomorrow. I did it while you were out earlier. I'm bringing my car for you to drive in tomorrow for it and then we're go to lunch, just me you and izzy. and then come here for your car so you can take it home by yourself." He whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I love you, Star."

"I love you too." I whispered before hugging him and walking to the car with Izzy. We got in the backseat and i laid my head on Izzy's shoulder.

"You can sit up front, I know you get anxious." Izzy whispered, running her hands through my hair.

"No, i'm good." I whispered back, closing my eyes as tears fell down my face. I kept my eyes closed until i heard both doors close and felt us pull out if the driveway. I opened them and looked out my window, watching my Uncle hold Madi as they both waved.

I don't wanna leave yet.

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