Halbarry: Puppy Love Pt. 1

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A/N: Werewolf AU.

After two months of dating, Barry has noticed a couple of odd things about his boyfriend, Hal. Whenever they would meet up, Hal would gently sniff behind Barry's ear. Although, Barry honesty didn't mind this; feeling his man's hot breath on his neck was a bit of a turn-on. Another thing was that he disliked cats...in the way a dog would dislike a cat; the dude would literally growl at any cat he comes across. And when he gets bored and under stimulated, Hal would chew on the edge of his jacket sleeve or whatever he had in his hands at the time.

"I swear it's like he acts like a hyperactive german shepherd sometimes." Barry said to his best friend, Cisco.

"Then again, he could just have ADHD." he added.

"LOL, what if he's a werewolf?" Cisco joked.

Barry chuckles, shaking his head. Of course Cisco would make a joke like that, the guy was into supernatural things like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.

"I mean, his behavior is kinda dog-like." Barry giggled, shrugging his shoulders.

"Dude, if he starts howling at the moon and eating raw meat, give me a text." Cisco chuckled.

"Well, he does like his steak rare." Barry replied.

"But all jokes aside, I really like Hal. I think I'm gonna ask him to go steady with me." he said blushing.

"Hehe, what are you, a tenth grader?" Cisco teased.

"Shut up, man." Barry huffed, gently punching his friend in the shoulder.

"What else are you gonna do? Tell him you love him?" Cisco asked.

"...maybe..." Barry mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Woah, really? Don't you think it's a bit early for that? You've only been dating him for two months." Cisco replied.

"Look, I know how I feel, okay. I love him, and I'm going to tell him." Barry argued.

"Okay." Cisco said, holding his hands up in surrender.

Afterwards, Barry goes over to Hal's house.

"Hey, babe." Hal said, pulling Barry into a hug.

Then his nose immediately goes to behind Barry's ear and he takes a deep inhale.

"Have fun with Cisco today?" Hal asked, nuzzling Barry's neck.

"How do you always know who I've been around?" Barry asked, amused.

"I dunno...maybe I'm psychic." Hal chuckled, guiding Barry into the house, closing the door behind him.

Hal scoops up Barry and carries him over to the couch. When Hal deposited Barry onto the couch, he climbs on top of him, settling in between Barry's legs. With one hand gripping the back of Barry's thigh and the other braced on the arm of the couch, Hal bends down and presses a firm, searing kiss to his lips. Barry kisses back, groaning in pleasure as he clenches the back of Hal's shirt.

"God, I love you." Barry sighed as Hal began to kiss and nip his neck.

"W-what?" Hal asked pulling back and staring down at Barry, wide eyed.

"I love you. I know we've only been dating two months, but I just had to be honest with you." Barry told him.

"I...I-I love you too." Hal stammered.

"Are you just saying that because I said it?" Barry asked worried.

"No! No, I really mean it." Hal replied frantically.

"I've just been kinda scared to say it. If I said it out loud then it would be real, and if it was real then something bad would happen and I would lose you." he explained.

"Hey, you're not gonna lose me." Barry said, reaching up to cup Hal's face.

Hal leans into Barry's touch, closing his eyes and sighing blissfully.

"So...wanna go steady with me?" Barry asked, grinning.

"Hmm, didn't realize we were in high school, but sure, I'll go steady with you." Hal said kissing his boyfriend.

The two of them then have some wild sex on the couch...a few times...four to be exact.

"Wow, Hal, your stamina never ceases to amaze me." Barry said catching his breath.

"Honestly, I could go another round, but I know you're all tapped out, so we'll just cuddle now." Hal replied, panting.

"Mmmmm, cuddling sounds amazing right now." Barry mumbled tiredly, laying his head on Hal's chest.

Hal massages his fingers into Barry's scalp, lulling his boyfriend to sleep. Hours later, when Barry woke up alone on the couch, the full moon was lighting up the night sky.

"Hal?" Barry called out, confused.

Barry searches the house, but finds no sign of his boyfriend.

"Where the heck did he go?" Barry asked himself.

The last area in the house that Barry has yet to check was the basement. But there was a sign on the door that said, "KEEP OUT! DO NOT ENTER!". Barry didn't want to disrespect Hal's boundaries, but he had to know where he was, because he was starting to get really worried.

"Please don't be mad at me, Hal." Barry mumbled quietly, reaching for the doorknob.

He turns it slowly and opens the door. The stairs creaked with each step Barry took. Once he was at the bottom of the stairs, Barry turned on the flashlight on his phone.

"Hal? Honey, are you down here?" Barry whispered.

A deep dread builds in Barry's gut, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. There was something eerily uncomfortable about this basement, for a moment, Barry thought about turning around and leaving, but something caught his eye.

"What the...?" Barry said, looking at a large cage in the corner.

Well, it was more like a jail cell built into the walls and floor. The door looked like it was both locked and chained shut. Curled up in the corner of the cage was a large furry animal. It looked too wolf-like to be human, but too human-like to be a real wolf. Then it all clicked in Barry's head...Hal truly was a werewolf.

"Holy sh*t." Barry gasped in a hushed tone.

Without really considering the danger, Barry slowly approached the cage. Something he did must've startled Hal's wolf form, because he suddenly lunges forward with a growl, reaches through the bars of the cage and swipes his claws at Barry. The brunette yelps in pain when his boyfriend's werewolf claws slice into his arm.

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