Olivarry: My Boyfriend Is a Vigilante pt.3

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A/N: In this story, Oliver is the Green Arrow, but Barry isn't the Flash.

After being shot three times in the abdomen, Barry falls to the ground at Oliver's feet.

"Barry!! No!" Oliver yelled kneeling down beside his injured boyfriend.

The guy who shot him pointed the gun at Oliver, but he reacted quickly and shot an arrow into his heart, killing him. Then he turns his attention back to Barry and takes him into his arms. Barry's shirt was gradually getting soaked in blood.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry baby, this is all my fault." Oliver whimpered.

"N-no, it's n-not...e-everything's...uhg...g-gonna be okay." Barry said.

The forensic scientist groans in pain, clutching his stomach and pressing his face against his boyfriend's chest. Wasting no time, Oliver picks Barry up and carries him to the nearest safest place he could think of...S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlyn and Cisco were shocked when The Green Arrow came running in carrying a severely injured Barry Allen.

"WHAT THE...!" Caitlyn said shocked.

"No time for questions, help him!!" Oliver told her.

Caitlyn has him set Barry on a bed and she begins to work on his injuries. Oliver then takes off his mask and hood.

"Holy crap! Oliver's the Green Arrow?!" Cisco gasped.

"You two, get out of here, I need to focus!" Caitlyn demanded.

Oliver and Cisco went into another room and sat down.

"We gotta call Iris and Joe. They need to know that Barry's hurt." said Oliver.

"But Joe's gonna go ballistic. He already doesn't really like you that much. When he finds out about this...he's gonna make you stay away from Barry." replied Cisco.

"Maybe that's what's best...because of me, Barry might die." Oliver said tearing up.

Cisco calls Iris and Joe and tells them everything that's happened. When they arrive, Joe is pissed and looks about ready to punch Oliver. And he almost does, but Iris grabbed his arm before he could take a swing.

"I just knew you weren't good enough for Barry! I should've trusted my gut and kept him as far away from you as possible!" Joe yelled.

"Dad, calm down." Iris said.

"You're right...I'm not right for him, I'm not safe to be around. He deserves someone much better than me." Oliver said looking down at his feet.

"Dad, stop it! Leave Oliver alone!" Iris told her father.

"I'm just trying to protect Barry, Iris!" Joe replied.

"All you're going to do is destroy your relationship with him. If you force them to break up, Barry will resent you forever! They love each other, don't you get that." Iris explained.

Joe sighed and ran his hand over his face. Iris grabs Oliver's hands and makes him look at her.

"Oliver, don't let this incident get in between you and Barry. He's always telling me how in love he is and how much he wants you to move in with him. Trust me Oliver, no one has ever made him as happy as you have." Iris said to him.

"Really? He said that?" Oliver asked.

Iris nods, making Oliver smile a little. Then Caitlyn comes out of the room and tells everyone that Barry's alright. When everyone goes into the room Barry's recovering in, Oliver immediately sits at his bedside and holds his hand. Later on Barry wakes up, and smiles lovingly at the man who's holding his hand.

"Hey, Bear, how are you?" Oliver asked rubbing his arm.

"I'm fine, babe." Barry answered.

Barry next saw everyone else in the room.

"Hey, guys." Barry said.

"Barry, you had me worried to death." Joe said.

"Yeah, he was about to punch Oliver." said Cisco.

"What?!" replied Barry.

"Don't worry, I didn't let him do anything to him." Iris assured him.

"Look, I'm really sorry about the way I behaved. I...just care about my children so much and all I wanna do is keep them safe. But...you guys aren't children anymore, and I gotta trust you to make your own decisions. So, Barry...Oliver, can you both please forgive me for being such an overprotective butthead." Joe said sitting on the other side of Barry.

"Joe, of course I forgive you. You're the closest thing I've ever had to a father." Barry said holding onto Joe's hand.

"Barry? Is it true that you want me to move in with you?" Oliver questioned.

Barry blushes then nods shyly.

"Bear, baby, I would love to move in with you." Oliver said before kissing Barry's cheek.

After Barry was all healed up he and Oliver moved all of Oliver's stuff into Barry's apartment. When everything was set up, the two cuddled on the couch, tired.

"I love this, now we'll get to spend every minute together." Barry said nuzzling his face into his boyfriend's chest.

"Me too, also now no one will ever hurt you again, not as long as I'm here." replied Oliver hugging Barry tightly.

Barry laughs then kisses Oliver.

"I love you." Barry said.

"Love you too." replied Oliver.

Ever since then, Oliver and Joe have gotten along much better. Especially when Oliver promised to protect Barry with his life.

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