Olivarry: It's Hard Living Without You(Alternate Ending)

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Requested by: Emo_Unicorn_Boy

A/N: Warning; contains suicide.

After Felicity left, Thea continued her search for Barry. She looked everywhere and still couldn't find him. Tired, Thea goes back to the mansion to rest a little. For a while now, Thea had been spending a lot of time, even sleeping, in her brother's room. When she gets in there, she saw Barry sprawled on the bed, unconscious.

"Barry!" Thea shouted running up to him.

She tries to wake him up by shaking his shoulders, but no matter how hard she shook him, he would not wake. In fact, his body seemed pretty stiff and cold; and his skin looked ashen and gray.

"B-Barry?" said Thea, beginning to get scared.

Looking over at the bedside table, Thea saw an empty bottle of sleeping pills. Now full on freaking out, she checks Barry's pulse and breathing...nothing. Next, as she starts hyperventilating, she begins to administer CPR.

"Come on, Barry! Please, don't do this! Don't die!!" Thea cried, practically pounding on Barry's chest.

But, deep down, she just knew that she was to late. The girl drops to her knees and cries hysterically into the speedster's chest. Then, she feels something in the pocket of his jacket. Taking it out, she realized that it was a suicide note.

Dear Friends,
If you're reading this, I am dead. I'm sorry things had to happen like this. I'm sorry for the pain my death is causing you. But most of all, I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough. I just couldn't live another day without Oliver, but now we're together, so please don't be too sad and do not blame yourselves. This was my choice and my choice alone. The only thing I ask of you all, is that you take care of each other.
Love, Barry

After reading the note, Thea called the others and told them what happened. Barry's death broke the hearts of everyone. Especially Iris and Joe. Thea also took it very hard, being the one who found him and the fact that she had lost not only her own brother, but also the man that her brother loved and someone she considered a brother.

A/N: I'm so very sorry for this torture. BTW, it was a request so it's not entirely my fault.

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