Olivarry: 🍪 Cookies 🍪

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Oliver's POV

Felicity was doing a bake sale and needed to make12 dozen cookies. She asked me to help her, so I agreed to make half of it. So far I have made two dozen and have the third in the oven right now.

"I'm home!...What smells so good?" Barry said coming into the kitchen.

Barry spots the cookies and smiles. He goes to grab one, but I block him.

"Nuh-uh, no. This is for Felicity's bake sale, don't touch." I told him.

"I didn't know you could bake." said Barry.

"I may not be a genius, but I know how to follow directions, Barry." I replied.

Once I'm sure the cookies are safe from my sugar-loving boyfriend, I turn my attention back to the oven timer. Barry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my torso, and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Can I just have one cookie?" he asked.

"No." I answered.

"Awww, come on, please." Barry begged.

"Nope." I said.

My childish boyfriend lets go of me whining and grumbling like a five-year-old.

"Oooh, cookie dough." he said going for the mixing bowl.

"Noooo!" I said grabbing the mixing bowl before Barry could.

I'm holding Barry back with one hand while keeping the mixing bowl out of reach with the other.

"Barry, no. You'll end up eating too much and getting sick." I said getting frustrated.

Dang it, how am I supposed to keep an eye on the timer and keep him away from the cookie dough at the same time. Just when I think Barry was giving up, he tackles me to the floor causing me to drop the bowl of cookie dough on his head. I sighed face-palmming seeing my boyfriend wear the mixing bowl like a hat.

"Oops." Barry said.

I was about to get mad, but then I smelled something burning. I look over at the oven and see smoke coming out of it.

"Barry, get off me! The cookies are burning!" I gasped.

Barry gets off of me and I rush over to the oven. Without thinking, I grab the hot pan with my bare hands.

"OOWWW!" I yelled dropping the pan.

I immediately go to the sink and put my hands under cold water.

"Ollie, honey, are you okay?" Barry asked frantically.

"I'm...fine." I grunted in pain.

"I'm sorry." Barry sighed guiltily.

"Don't be sorry, I was dumb and didn't use an oven mit." I replied facing Barry.

Then I suddenly started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Barry asked.

"Cause you still have that bowl on your head." I told him.

He laughs too, then takes the bowl off his head. Seeing cookie dough all in his hair makes me laugh even more.

"So...you're not mad?" asked Barry.

"I could never be mad at you for long; I love you too much." I answered.

Barry kisses me then grabs a towel and gets most of the dough out of his hair. My hands had second degree burns on them, so Barry helped me bandage them up.

"Ah! Ouch!" I said as Barry finished bandaging my hand.

"Does it hurt?" he asked concerned.

"A little." I replied.

Barry gently grabs my hands and kisses them.

"There. Feel better now?" Barry asked me.

I nod then kiss his soft, sweet lips. When Felicity came over to get her cookies, she was pissed to find that they weren't finished and that Barry ended up wearing the dough.

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