Olivarry: Hurtfic

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Pain coarse through Oliver like a wildfire. He was laying on his side in an abandoned where-house, fighting to stay conscious. Oliver knew he had to get himself somewhere safe. The man shakily gets to his hands and knees then immediately crumbles to the floor with a grunt. What was he going to do? He had a concussion, several broken ribs, a dislocated knee, and had a large shard of metal lodged in his abdomen...probably puncturing his kidney...at least that's what it felt like. Though he would deny it, Oliver was scared. He was scared that he would die all alone and no one will realize what happened to him until it was too late. Green Arrow was about to lose hope until he remembered the panic button Barry had made him.

The panic button was for emergencies and would send a signal to Barry's phone giving coordinates to Oliver's location. The current situation Oliver was in definitely counted as an emergency; especially when he started to cough up blood and felt one of his lungs begin to collapse. Oliver presses the button and hopes Barry will come for him soon. Two minutes later, Oliver hears a woosh and the door of the where-house opening. Then he suddenly started to slip into unconsciousness. Before he blacks out, he hears a muffled voice and sees a red blob standing over him.

Barry was scared to death. His gut clenched when he saw Oliver's panic button signal on his phone. He made it for him in case Oliver was ever in a situation he couldn't get out of. Barry only made it to give himself peace of mind, he never actually thought it would ever be used. So, when it came up, Barry knew something was very wrong. The speedster ran to the location as quickly as it took someone to say the word boo-yah. What he saw when he opened the where-house doors, was something he'll want to, but will never, forget. The man he loved with all his heart was lying in a heap on the floor covered in injuries and blood. He carefully picks him up so he doesn't injure him further; he's especially careful of the metal shard in Oliver's abdomen. The Flash quickly rushes Green Arrow to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Team Flash immediately jumps into action when Barry comes in carrying his injured secret boyfriend. Oliver and Barry had not yet told their teams about relationship. The only one who knew was Super Girl. Caitlyn, with Cisco's help, began to work on Oliver as Joe and Iris tried to calm Barry down.

"He's going to be okay, Barry." said Iris.

"What if he's not! Iris, he had blood coming out of his mouth, he was barely breathing, didn't you see his lips, they were blue!" replied Barry, freaking out.

Everyone anxiously waits for news on Oliver's condition. Caitlyn and Cisco come out looking exhausted.

"How is he? I-Is he okay? Oh God, please don't tell me he's dead." Barry rambled.

"Barry, Barry, calm down. Oliver's not dead." said Cisco.

"Oh thank God." Barry sighed in relief.

"I stopped the internal bleeding caused by the metal shard puncturing his kidney, unfortunately, the kidney had to be removed. He has four broken ribs, a dislocated knee, a severe concussion, and a collapsed lung. He's stable now, but his condition...i-it's pretty serious. I honestly don't know if he'll make it through or not, all we can do is hope for the best." Caitlyn explained.

Barry went to go sit by Oliver's bedside as the others called team Arrow. Never had Barry seen Oliver so...vulnerable and...beaten. Barry hated seeing him like this, he hated that there was nothing he could do to make him better. He makes sure no one is around before he starts talking.

"Ollie...please...d-don't leave me. This...us...it can't end as quickly as it started. I...I-I love you, d*mn it, I love you." Barry cried, clutching Oliver's hand in both of his.

He softly kissed Oliver's knuckles then rubs his thumb on the spot he kissed. The door begins to open, so Barry lets go of Oliver's hand and puts his hands in his lap. The visitor turned out to be Kara.

"Oh, it's you; I thought you were one of the others." said Barry.

"I came here to hang out, but it looks like plans are gonna have to change." said Kara.

She sits next to Barry and drapes her arm over his shoulders.

"How ya holding up?" Kara asked.

"Not good. Kara...I...I-I...don't want to lose him." answered Barry.

"Hey, you're not going to lose him. You know why?...cause Oliver is a survivor. His will is stronger than the both of us combined." Kara told him, squeezing his shoulder kindly.

Super Girl stayed with her friend to give him comfort and support. Over the span of a week, Oliver's condition improved slowly; but he still was unconscious. By his side was: Thea, Felicity, Barry, and Kara. To resist the urge to hold Oliver's hand, Barry had a death grip on Kara's hand. Felicity had an arm around Thea, who's head rested on the woman's shoulder. It was sweet how sisterly the two were. The only sound in the room was the heart monitor. In this moment, Barry wanted to tell everyone the truth about him and Oliver, but he didn't know what to say.

"Barry...what are you doing holding Kara's hand?" Thea finally asked.

Barry looks at her confused.

"Oh come on, did you seriously think you and Ollie had us all fooled? We all know you two are an item." said Thea.

Barry gives an accusing look to Kara.

"She didn't tell us, we figured it out on our own. You guys aren't exactly discrete." said Felicity.

"Sorry we didn't tell you ourselves...we just didn't know how to tell you guys." said Barry.

"That's okay, we're not mad." Felicity reassured him.

"Now, quit the charade and hold your man's hand." Thea ordered the speedster.

Kara's hand is released from its death grip and Oliver's hand is placed into Barry's. The secret being out gives Barry the freedom to place a kiss to Oliver's temple. Almost immediately, Oliver's eyes flutter open and groans as he gets them to adjust to the light in the room.

"Well, why didn't you do that earlier, Prince Barry." Thea joked.

The others file into the room to say 'hi' to Oliver.

"Oh yeah, Ollie, they know." Barry told him.

"They do? How?" Oliver asked.

"Apparently, we weren't that discrete as we thought." chuckled Barry.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty, don't scare us like that again." Thea said giving her brother a hug.

"I agree." Barry said wrapping his arms around Oliver's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

Oliver turns his head and gives Barry a peck on the lips, making the nerdy superhero blush.

"Hey, lets all go get some pizza, Barry you stay here with Oliver, we'll be back soon." Kara said.

Everyone leaves the couple alone to go get food. When everyone's gone, Barry carefully crawls onto the bed and cuddles his boyfriend.

"Were you worried?" Oliver asked him.

Barry nods with his head laying on Oliver's chest.

"I love you." yawned Barry.

"I love you too, Bear. I love you more than anything." Oliver replied as Barry's eyes began to droop.

The billionaire smiles as he holds the sleeping speedster in his arms, something he almost never got to do again.

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