Olivarry: Kidnapped

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It was Barry and Oliver's one-year anniversary, and Oliver took Barry to the most fanciest, most expensive restaurant in both Central City and Starling City combined. Oliver loves to spoil Barry, he's always buying him gifts and taking him places. They sat at a small table across from each other holding hands.

"I love you so much, Bear." Oliver said smiling.

"I love you, too, Ollie." Barry replied.

Barry feels bad that he can't do the things Oliver does for him. He's not rich like Oliver, so he can't afford expensive gifts or fancy places. Though, he doesn't tell Oliver that it bothers him, because he knows Oliver only does those things cause he loves him. So, when Oliver gave Barry a watch, and he only gave him a single rose and a card; Barry tried to bury the feeling of inferiority deep down. After dinner, they went to Oliver's house and did you-know-what. Now, the two have slowed down to cuddles and soft kisses.

"How do you like your gift, baby?" Oliver asked.

"I love it." answered Barry.

"And I love my gift, too." Oliver said kissing Barry's forehead.

"*sigh* Oliver, you don't have to pretend to like my crappy, cheap-a** gifts for you." Barry sighed upset.

He rolls over and faces away from Oliver.

"Barry? W-what do you mean? I love the gifts you give me, I really do." Oliver replied confused.

"Bear, I don't care how much things cost. As long as it's from you, I'll love it...always." Oliver told him hugging him.

Then something occurred to the billionaire.

"Bear, baby, does it bother you that I buy you things you can't afford for me?" Oliver asked Barry.

The speedster doesn't respond to the question his boyfriend asked him. Oliver frowns, disappointed at himself, he never meant to make Barry feel bad.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. You know I don't intentionally one-up you, right?" said Oliver pulling Barry close to him.

"I know..." replied Barry rolling over to face his boyfriend.

"Barry, if something is bothering you, tell me. Please. We're in a relationship, we're supposed to tell each other anything and everything, okay." Oliver explained cupping Barry's face.

Barry nods in agreement then leans in and kisses Oliver. The two sleep wrapped up in each other's embrace. In the morning, Oliver drives Barry to work.

"See you tonight, Bear." Oliver said.

"see ya, Ollie." replied Barry.

They share a quick kiss before Barry exits the car. At around noon, Barry leaves the station to go get lunch. He heard something coming from an empty alley. Being the curious person he is, Barry goes to see what made the noise. Seeing nothing in the alley, Barry turns to leave. But, after two steps, the superhero is grabbed from behind. Before Barry could fight back, a needle is inserted into his neck. The second the drug hit his veins, Barry goes limp and his vision gets blurry.

"H-help...me." Barry tried to yell, but it came out as a whisper.

Barry fought hard to stay conscious, but finally passed out when he was loaded into the back of a van. When Barry didn't return to work, Joe tried to call him; it went straight to voice-mail five times. Next, Joe calls Oliver, figuring Barry might be with him.

"Hello." Oliver said answering his phone.

"Oliver, is Barry with you?" Joe asked.

"No. I thought he was still at work?" replied Oliver.

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