Olivarry: Kidnapped pt.2

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Requested by: Iamming19

(Takes place three months after the events of kidnapped.)

For a few weeks now, Barry had been working with a new coworker. Her name was Shinimi, she's an immigrant from Japan. She's very nice, a bit shy though. Despite Shinimi being a nice and helpful person, Barry couldn't help the deep-gut feeling of uneasiness around her. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about Shinimi that didn't sit well. Also at work, Barry had been having the feeling of someone staring at him. Barry tells Oliver all about his troubles while cuddled with him on the couch.

"And I think Shinimi likes me." said Barry.

"She has a crush on you?" Oliver asked.

The speedster nods, making his boyfriend frown with jealousy. Oliver takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Did you tell her you're already taken?" he asked Barry.

"Yeah I did, but each time I bring you up, she changes the subject. It's like she's determined to make me hers." replied Barry.

"You gotta tell her to leave you alone." said Oliver.

"I'm not sure if that'll work. She seems like the type of person you don't want to piss off." argued Barry.

"Then what are you gonna do?" asked Oliver folding his arms and pouting.

Barry laughs at his boyfriend's childish behavior. He leans in and kisses Oliver's cheek.

"It's sweet that you're jealous. Don't worry, I'll handle it." said Barry.

"Why do you have to be so handsome and charming?" laughed Oliver.

The brunette just shrugs with a smile on his face. The billionaire pins the forensic scientist on the couch and deeply kisses him.

"I guess I can't really blame the girl, you're just so irresistible." Oliver said, his lips brushing against Barry's neck.

"Stop that...i-it tickles!" Barry giggled as Oliver gave him neck kisses.

Oliver brings his lips back up to meet Barry's and they kiss each other for hours. When they were done, Oliver lays his head on Barry's chest and listens to his heart beat. Barry plays with Oliver's hair and hums.

"Are you trying to put me to sleep?" mumbled Oliver.

"I don't know, is it working?" replied Barry.

Oliver lets out a long yawn and snuggles tighter against his boyfriend.

"Yes...so stop." said Oliver sleepily.

The Flash continues his act until Green Arrow is completely asleep. An hour later, Barry began to doze off, but was awoken by his phone ringing.

"Yeah?" he said answering his phone.

"Hey, Barry, there's a few things chief wants you and Shinimi to work on." said Joe.

"Okay, I'm on my way." sighed Barry.

He really didn't want to go into work right now, he was comfortable snuggling with his boyfriend.

"Come on, Ollie, get up, I gotta go." Barry said shaking Oliver awake.

"Hmm...no. I'm too comfortable." said Oliver.

"Ollie, I got called into work, I have to go." Barry said pinching Oliver's cheek.

With a groan, Oliver sits up, allowing Barry to get up.

"Is Shinimi going to be there?" he asked.

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