Olivarry: Billionaire Baby Daddy Pt.2

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A/N: Trans!Barry AU.

This was the fifth day in a row that Barry had woken up in the morning nauseous and vomiting, and it was starting to worry his friends and family. Joe kept insisting that Barry should get Caitlyn to check him out, make sure it's not something serious. But Barry was stubborn and said he was fine. It took him almost fainting at work to finally let Caitlyn look him over.

"Cisco, can you please go eat that disgusting enchilada somewhere else!" Barry snapped grumpily.

"But, dude...you love enchiladas." Cisco replied confused.

"Not today I don't. Not sure why, but for some reason, the smell and sight of that stupid enchilada is making me sick to my stomach." Barry grunted, growing pale and wrapping his arms around his stomach.

Joe immediately goes to comfort his foster son, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, letting Barry lean into his side.

"Geeze, man, what are you, pregnant?" Cisco joked, chuckling.

Although, his laughter started to die down once the realization that Barry being pregnant was a very real possibility hit him...and everyone else.

"Caitlyn! Are those test results ready yet!" Barry whined nervously.

"They just came in, and...Cisco's right, you're pregnant, Barry." Caitlyn replied, turning towards the others in her swivel chair.

If Joe hadn't been holding onto him, Barry would've fallen right off the cot he was sitting on. How could he be pregnant!? Him and Oliver always used protection. Then it occurred to Barry that the last time he had sex with Oliver, the two of them got so caught up in the moment that they forgot to use a condom.

"Figures, the one time I don't use a condom I get f**king pregnant." Barry thought, face palming.

"Barry, son, are you okay?" Joe asked after Barry was silent for too long.

"I don't know...I think I need some time alone to figure out what to do next." Barry said sliding off the cot.

"Alright, Barry, whatever you decide, we'll support you." Iris said, gently laying a hand on Barry's shoulder.

"Yeah, man, your body your choice." Cisco added.

"Thanks..." Barry mumbled leaving STAR Labs.

During the walk home, Barry ran on autopilot, the recent news leaving him in a bit of shock. He desperately tries to contact Oliver, but he still wasn't answering.

"Grrr....A**HOLE!!" Barry shouted angrily, throwing his phone as hard as he could across the room.

The phone hits the wall then falls to the floor. Barry didn't have to check it to know it was broken, but he could care less about the phone right now. He didn't know if it was the situation or the hormones, or both, but he couldn't stop crying.

"D*mn you, you rich b*stard." Barry sobbed, burying his face into the pillow he was hugging as he curled up on the couch.

Over the weekend, Barry made the decision to keep the baby.

"Okay, Barry, but I would like to keep a close eye on you. We don't know how the pregnancy will affect your powers, or how your powers will affect the pregnancy. For all we know, your speed might make the gestation period shorter and this baby could be here in 5 or 6 months instead of 9." Caitlyn said, already starting to check Barry's vitals.

"Let's hope that's not the case. I just want this to be a normal pregnancy." Barry replied.

"Barry, even normal pregnancies can have complications." Caitlyn said, taking the blood pressure cuff off his arm.

"If you don't mind me asking....who got you pregnant, and...do they know?" Cisco asked carefully.

"It's complicated." Barry quickly responded, and that's all his friends needed to know not to push any further.

"Well, I call dibs on being the cool uncle." Cisco declared.

That actually made Barry laugh a little, which was the first time he's smiled in weeks. He may not have the other father of his child with him, but at least he has his friends and family to rely on.

"Hey, Joe, do you wanna be called "Grandpa" or "Pop-Pop"?" Cisco asked, bouncing excitedly on his toes.

"How about we cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, let's just focus on making sure Barry and the baby remain healthy." Joe replied.

"But I can still plan a baby shower, right?" Cisco asked.

"Not without me, you can't!" Iris said placing her hands on her hips.

While the two of them discussed baby shower stuff, Caitlyn finished her examination then went to do other work. For lunch, Joe takes Barry to IHOP because Barry had a craving for pancakes.

"So, are you going to tell Oliver?" Joe asked suddenly.

Barry nearly chokes on his chocolate chip pancakes smothered in blueberry and strawberry syrup.

"Oh my god, how do you know the baby's Oliver's?" Barry coughed.

"I didn't....I was just asking if you had told one of your closest friends that you're pregnant." Joe replied, wide-eyed and shocked.

"Craaaaaaap." Barry muttered to himself.

He tries to change the subject, but Joe wasn't having it. Then Barry explains the situation and Joe is beyond pissed.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a b**ch." Joe growled, clenching his fists.

"It's not worth it, Joe." Barry sighed, poking at his pancakes with his fork.

"He can't just get away with hurting you like that. It's totally fine if he doesn't share the same feelings that you do, but he could've at least had the b*lls to tell you that to your face instead of avoiding you like a coward." Joe argued.

"Please, Joe, just drop it. It's mostly my fault anyway, you warned me about guys like him but I didn't listen." Barry replied, his bottom lip trembling.

"I'm such an idiooooot!" he added, breaking out into tears.

Joe reaches across the table and pats Barry's hand, trying to comfort him as he cried into his pancakes in a crowded restaurant. He gets a to-go box for the pancakes then takes Barry home and lets him lay his head in his lap. The detective lets his foster son cry it out while he soothingly rubbed his back. For Barry's sake, he'll refrain from castrating the hooded vigilante, despite really wanting to...Joe hated seeing his children hurt, physically or emotionally.

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