Olivarry: Sickfic

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Something was off, very off. Barry woke up that morning with terrible flu symptoms. Because of his accelerated healing, Barry thought this flu would be gone by lunch. He was wrong, so, so wrong. His flu only got worse. The speedster groans and whimpers as he lays sprawled on the couch. He shivered as if he were in a blizzard, and sweated as if he were in the desert. His coughs were wet and mucusy, and usually knocked the breath right out of him; he also couldn't stop sneezing. Every muscle in poor Barry's body screamed in pain, his head felt as if it was going to spit open. Barry wanted nothing more than for someone to hold him and rub his head...like his mom did when he was a kid. A knock then came to his door. He couldn't get up; his limbs were like noodles and his head spun when he tried to sit up.

"C-come in...door's...unlocked." Barry said as loudly as he could manage.

The door opens and Oliver Queen, Barry's boyfriend, walks in. The man's smile turns into a frown of concern when he sees the state his boyfriend is in.

"Barry?" Oliver said sitting on the couch next to Barry.

He gently placed the back of his hand against Barry's forehead.

"Your burning up, Bear." he said cupping the sick man's cheek.

Oliver stands up and grabs a thermometer, Barry's fever was at 102.9 degrees.

"D*mn it, that's high...really high." Oliver sighed worriedly.

"Come on, Bear, let's get you to bed. You'll be more comfortable there." he said scooping up the speedster into his arms.

Oliver carries Barry bridal-style to the bedroom and carefully lays him on the bed. He tucks him in and puts a cold rag on his head. Barry falls asleep as Oliver sits at the foot of the bed. Oliver is worried about his boyfriend, he's never seen him that sick before. He takes his phone out and calls Caitlyn. She was really busy, but she said she would send over some medicine for Barry. When the medicine arrived, Oliver tries to wake Barry up, but he was in too deep of a sleep.

"I'll just give it to him when he wakes up." Oliver said to himself.

He sits close to Barry and watches over him as he sleeps. The superhero looked so frail, his skin was very pale. As he slept, he took loud, heavy, uneven breaths. This only worries Oliver more...and makes him wonder how Barry got so sick. Suddenly, Barry starts to whimper and squirm in his sleep. Oliver knew that he was having a nightmare.

"Shh, Bear, shh. It's okay." Oliver whispered soothingly.

To calm his boyfriend down, he rubs circles on his back. Barry jolts up with a hoarse yelp. He looks all around the room panting heavily, then locks eyes with Oliver.

"Ollie!" he cried lunging forward wrapping his arms securely around the billionaire.

The meta-human buries his face into the hooded vigilante's shoulder and starts sobbing.

"Bear. Bear, sweetie, calm down. It was a dream, only a dream." Oliver told Barry.

"I-It was an awful dream! Y-you died a-and I wasn't fast enough to save you!" Barry sobbed.

"Barry, that'll never happen. You are the fastest man alive." Oliver said wrapping his arms gently around Barry's small body.

Barry then has a horrible coughing fit. When it's over, Barry leans his head against Oliver's shoulder and tries to catch his breath.

"Bear, Caitlyn brought over some medicine earlier, you should take it." Oliver said grabbing the bottle Caitlyn gave him.

Barry tries to lift his arms, but they felt too heavy for him.

"Can't...too....weak." Barry mumbled.

Oliver nods in understanding and helps his boyfriend take his medicine.

"There, now let's get you laid back down." said Oliver.

"No." Barry protested.

"Hold me....please?" Barry asked nuzzling his face into the crook of Oliver's neck.

"Sure thing, baby." Oliver replied before kissing Barry's forehead.

Green Arrow leans against the headboard and holds the Flash, and runs his fingers through his hair. It wasn't long before both of them fell asleep. It turns out that Barry actually had pneumonia, but it only appeared as a severe flu because of Barry's accelerated healing.

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