Olivarry: Where The H*ll Have You Been!?!

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It was a Friday night, and the superhero couple were settling into bed. Barry was reading a book, and Oliver was trying to get his boyfriend's attention.

"Baaabe! Put the book down and cuddle meeee!" Oliver whined dramatically.

Barry only chuckles fondly and rolls his eyes.

"Just let me finish this chapter, okay." Barry said.

"Alright." sighed Oliver, laying his head on Barry's shoulder.

He catches a glimpse of the page Barry was reading and realizes what book it was.

"Oh, you're reading Lord of the Flies." said Oliver.

"Yeah, have you read it before?" asked Barry.

"Yep...I also kinda...lived it; ya know being stranded on an island and all." Oliver replied, growing quiet at the end.

Barry looks at Oliver and sees him frowning slightly with blank, expressionless eyes.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Barry asked nudging his boyfriend.

"Hm?...Oh! Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Oliver said shaking his head.

"Just zoned out a bit." he added.

The billionaire gives a fake/forced smile, which the forensic scientist sees straight through. In return Barry gives Oliver a look of disbelief.

"Oliver...did you have flashbacks of some bad memories?" Barry asked closing his book.

"*sigh*...Yeah, a little." replied Oliver giving up his facade.

Barry puts his book down on the nightstand then wraps Oliver up in his arms and kisses his temple. The vigilante nuzzles into the speedster seeking comfort. Barry hums softly into Oliver's ear until he's fast asleep. Soon after, he falls asleep too. The next day, Oliver wakes up alone in bed.

"Barry?" Oliver called out.

There was no response, so Oliver gets out of bed and looks all over the apartment for his boyfriend. Finding nothing sets a small twinge of worry in his chest.

"He's probably at work." Oliver reassured himself.

He gets his phone out and tries calling Barry. No answer, even after six tries. Next, Oliver calls Joe, hoping he would know if Barry was at work.

"Hello?" Joe said.

"Hey, Joe. Um...is Barry there? He hasn't been answering any of my calls." Oliver replied.

"No, he's not here. It's his day off today." Joe explained.

"Then where could he be?" Oliver asked a little worried.

"Try S.T.A.R. Labs, maybe he's there doing Flash stuff." suggested Joe.

"Okay...yeah that makes sense." Oliver said calming down some.

He hangs up with Joe and calls Cisco.

"Yo, Oliver, what's up!" Cisco greeted.

"Is Barry with you? I woke up this morning and he wasn't here, nor was he at work. So is Barry at the lab with you and Caitlyn?" Oliver asked.

"Well, Caitlyn and I just got here, but I'll look around for him, see if he's here." replied Cisco.

After a while of silence, Cisco speaks again.

"He's not here." Cisco told Oliver.

"W-well, is he out doing Flash stuff? C-can you j-just track his suit?" Oliver asked, starting to ramble.

Olivarry/Halbarry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now