Olivarry: By Your Side, Always

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The Flash and Green Arrow are fighting an enemy, and things are not going well. They were losing and losing badly. Well...they were fighting Bane after all. The villain punches Oliver, knocking him a few feet away; then he grabs Barry and holds him high above his head.

"You want to know what I did to the bat?" Bane asked sinisterly.

He gave no one time to answer before he busted Barry's back against his knee. The speedster screamed in pain, waking Oliver from his unconscious state. When he sees his boyfriend writhing on the ground in pain and Bane standing over him, he got extremely angry.

"Get the f**k away from him!!" Oliver shouted.

"My, my, such language." replied Bane.

Oliver notches an arrow and points it at Bane. Though, he could barely stand, his head throbbed, his vision doubled, and his ears were ringing.

"Oh dear, you don't look so good, maybe you should lie down." Bane said walking towards Oliver.

The Green Arrow releases the arrow and it hits Bane in the shoulder, it also electrocutes him. Yet, it had barely any affect on him.

"Oooh, that tickled." Bane chuckled.

He then headbuts Oliver, knocking him out cold. When he wakes up, the vigilante finds himself in the med-bay at S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Oh, good, you're awake." Caitlyn said appearing at his side.

"What happened? How did I get here? Where's Barry?!" Oliver asked worriedly.

"Calm down, everything is okay. We saw that your fight wasn't going well, so Cisco and I called Kara, and she came and helped you and Barry get here safely. And also defeated Bane." Caitlyn answered.

"Is Barry okay? I saw that he was hurt pretty bad." Oliver said slowly sitting up.

"Well, he will be, but..." replied Caitlyn.

"But what!?!" said Oliver abruptly standing up.

"*sigh* Bane...broke his back. I've got him in a brace and it'll take some time to heal. But...h-he's...paralyzed from the waist down. I'm not sure if it's permanent or not, but he won't be able to walk for a pretty long time." Caitlyn explained.

Oliver couldn't believe what he was hearing. Barry is paralyzed?? The Flash, the fastest man alive, can't even walk?

"Where is he, I need to see him." Oliver asked.

Caitlyn led Oliver to another room, where Barry was. It broke Oliver's heart to see Barry like that. He rushes over and sits at his bedside.

"Has he woken up since we've been here?" asked Oliver.

"No. He hasn't woken up yet." replied Caitlyn.

Sighing anxiously, Oliver grabs Barry's hand and interlocks their fingers. Then he leans forward and kisses his boyfriend's temple.

"Please wake up, baby, I need to know that you're alright. I wanna see those beautiful brown eyes." Oliver whispered into Barry's ear.

It's hours before Barry finally opens his eyes.

"Ollie..." whimpered Barry.

"I'm right here, Bear." Oliver replied combing his fingers through Barry's hair.

"Try not to move any. Your back is damaged and any movement will make it worse." Caitlyn told him.

"Okay....wait....I-I can't feel my legs. Why can't I feel my legs?!" Barry replied starting to freak out.

"Shh, Barry, calm down." Oliver said trying to soothe him.

"I'm sorry, Barry, but your injury has left you paralyzed from the waist down." Caitlyn explained gently.

Barry bursts into tears and starts crying hysterically. Oliver does his best to comfort his crying boyfriend.

"It's okay, baby, everything's gonna be okay. We're going to get through this together, I'm gonna take care of you, I promise." Oliver told Barry.

Barry had to stay in that bed for weeks, before he was allowed to go home. When they first got back to their apartment, Barry found it difficult to maneuver around while in a wheelchair.

"Looks like we're going to have to rearrange the furniture, so you can get around better." Oliver said helping Barry onto the couch.

"I hate this, I hate being in a stupid wheelchair...I..." Barry said frustrated.

Sitting next to him, Oliver hugs Barry and kisses his head.

"I know you do, Bear. And I wish there was more I could do. I wish I can just make it all better....I wish it was me instead, so you're not so miserable." Oliver said holding Barry close.

"Ollie, don't say that, I don't want you in this position. Also you've already done so much for me and I appreciate it all. I'm sorry that I'm complaining so much." replied Barry, hugging Oliver back.

To lighten the mood, Oliver decides to turn on the tv and let Barry choose something to watch. They ended up watching Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. After many movies, it's late and Barry begins to doze off, laying his head on Oliver's shoulder.

"You getting sleepy, babe?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah." yawned Barry.

Oliver scoops him up and carries him bridal style to the bedroom. He lays his boyfriend on the bed, then helps him get dressed into his pajamas. Next he strips down to boxers and gets into bed beside Barry.

"Goodnight, Bear." Oliver said kissing Barry's cheek.

"Goodnight, Ollie. And...thanks for taking care of me. I know that I'm gonna be a lot of trouble..." Barry replied.

"Hey, hey! You are not any trouble at all." Oliver interrupted.

"I love you, and I'll always be there for you; through thick and thin, till death do us part." he added cupping Barry's face.

Barry tears up then hugs Oliver tightly, his face nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too. I love you so much." Barry said.

That night Barry slept peacefully all through the night for the first time since getting hurt.

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