Olivarry: Hogwarts AU

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Barry: Gryffindor

Oliver: Slytherin

When Oliver first met Barry, it was at the sorting ceremony. Well, he didn't really meet him, he just saw him. He wanted to talk to him, but they were sorted into different houses...houses that were mortal enemies. Because of this, Oliver kept his distance so the other Slytherins won't resent and hate him for talking to a muggle-born Gryffindor. He's only eleven after all, he doesn't know how not to care about what others think of him. Though he still found himself staring at the boy from across the great hall.

"What are you staring at that mudblood for?" asked an upperclassman.

"I-I'm not! I'm just...thinking. And I just happen to be looking in his general direction." Oliver lied.

Oliver had to hide his disgust at the upperclassman's choice of words. He hated the word mudblood, he didn't understand why being muggle-born was so bad to so many. As the years went by, Oliver wanted to get to know Barry more and more. Especially after seeing how kind and smart he was. During their fourth year, Oliver finally got the chance to officially meet Barry. It was during potions class and Oliver was having trouble with his assignment, Barry had already finished his and decided to help him.

"Why did you help me? I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor." Oliver asked him shyly.

"I don't care about that Slytherin/Gryffindor feud crap. You're a person that needed help so I helped you, simple as that." Barry replied.

"Well, thank you." said Oliver.

"No problem." Barry smiled.

That small smile immediately sent butterflies into the pit of Oliver's stomach, and slight blush to creep up on his cheeks. Since then the two have been really close friends. They didn't care that their houses disapproved of their friendship. But secretly, Oliver wished to be more than friends, he desperately wanted Barry to be his boyfriend. Though he never admitted his feelings in fear of losing his best and only friend. In the summer between fifth and sixth year, Oliver finally decided to confess. On the Hogwarts express, the two sat next to each other in the same car.

"How was your summer?" Oliver asked Barry.

"Good. Iris and I went to this science convention and it was so awesome." replied Barry.

Oliver listened to Barry talk about his summer during the whole train ride. Every day since school started, Oliver had been procrastinating on confessing his feelings. He's terrified that Barry won't feel the same way. There was a quidditch game today, Slytherin vs Hufflepuff, and Oliver was on the Slytherin team.

"You'll cheer for me, won't you?" asked Oliver.

"Of course, but silently. I'm pretty sure the other Gryffindors will throw me off a balcony if they hear me cheering for Slytherin. They already hate me for being friends with one." answered Barry.

"You know this stupid feud is completely ridiculous." Oliver said folding his arms.

"You got that right. It's like the Hatfields and the Macoys." commented Barry.

"Huh?" Oliver replied confused.

"Like....the Montagues and the Capulets." Barry explained.

"Ohhh." Oliver said, understanding what Barry was talking about.

The quidditch game started off great, Oliver was doing very well. Then suddenly, towards the end of the game, a bludger comes flying towards Oliver's head and...LIGHTS OUT. A week later, Oliver wakes up in the hospital wing with bandages on his head and his arm in a cast. At his bedside is Barry and Thea, Oliver's little sister.

"Ollie! You're awake!" Thea cheered hugging her brother.

"How are you feeling?" Barry asked taking hold of his hand.

"Like I got hit by a train." Oliver replied weakly.

"I'm sorry, Ollie, I don't want to leave you, but I have to get to my classes. I promise that I'll return at dinner, I'll even bring you something to eat." said Thea.

"It's okay, you go on to your classes." Oliver told his sister.

"See you later." Thea said giving Oliver a kiss on the cheek.

Before leaving, Thea whispers something in Barry's ear.

"What was that about?" Oliver asked, curious.

"She was just...um...reminding me to tell you something." Barry replied, beginning to grow nervous.

"Which is....?" Oliver said trying to get Barry to talk.

Barry remains silent, nervously biting his bottom lip.

"Barry, you know you can tell me anything. I'm your friend, you can trust me." Oliver said, giving his friend/crush a reassuring smile.

"I...I, uh...Oliver, I like you...like, as more than a friend." Barry confessed.

Oliver smiles widely, he's never felt so happy in all his life.

"Barry, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. I've been wanting to tell that exact same thing for so long." Oliver said.

"Really, you feel the same way?" Barry asked squeezing Oliver's hand.

"Since the day I laid eyes on you." Oliver answered squeezing back.

Not being able to hold himself back any longer, Barry leans forward and kisses Oliver on the lips. Immediately, Oliver kisses back and the two are practically making out. But before anything went further, they pulled apart when they heard the nurse come in.

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