Olivarry: My Boyfriend Is a Vigilante pt.2

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A/N: In this story, Oliver is the Green Arrow, but Barry isn't the Flash.

Requested by: LesleeCordero

Things were a little bit easier to manage after Barry found out his boyfriend was the Green Arrow. Oliver no longer had to come up with excuses when he had to go out on patrol...or when he'd be a bit bruised. Barry was very supportive, even though it worried him that Oliver was fighting dangerous people, but he was so proud of his heroic boyfriend. He knew he'd always be safe with Oliver around.

"Am I supposed to lean forward or backward? Cause I heard some say one way, and others say the other way." Oliver asked pinching his bruised and bleeding nose.

Surprisingly, the injury didn't come from a fight...Oliver had tripped on the rug and fell face first on the floor. Barry hands him a few tissues and a small ice pack.

"Caitlyn says you're supposed to lean forward with a bloody nose, so that the blood doesn't drip down your throat and cause you to choke." answered Barry.

"Let me see it, I wanna check to see if it's broken." he told his boyfriend.

Oliver lets Barry check his nose. Luckily it's not broken, just bruised. When it stopped bleeding, Oliver threw away the bloody tissues.

"Does it still hurt?" Barry asked when Oliver sat back down on the couch.

"A bit." replied Oliver.

"Want me to kiss it better?" asked Barry.

"Yes, please." smiled Oliver.

The forensic scientist leans forward and kisses his boyfriend's nose gently. Then Oliver moves his head so that they are kissing each other's lips. Deepening the kiss, Oliver pushes Barry down onto the couch and lays on top of him. Barry wraps his arms around Oliver's neck, pulling the archer closer to his body. The blonde's lips travel down to the brunette's neck and hits that sweet spot that makes him melt in his arms.

"Oh, Ollie." Barry sighs giggling.

Then, much to the couple's dismay, Oliver's phone starts ringing. Both of them groaned disappointedly, annoyed at whoever was calling.

"What?" Oliver snapped at the caller, not bothering to check caller ID.

"Really?...*sigh*, I'm on my way." he said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Barry asked him.

"Diggle, he's got a lead on someone I've been trying to catch. I'm really sorry, baby, but I have to go." Oliver replied.

"Awww, but I want you to stay." Barry pouted.

"I know, but if I don't get this guy, people will get hurt." Oliver said getting off the couch.

Barry gets up then gives Oliver a hug and a kiss before he left. Now alone, he turns on the tv to keep himself occupied. Later on he goes out to get himself something to eat. When he gets back home, he notices that his front door is open slightly.

"That's...strange." Barry said to himself.

He cautiously goes inside and looks around; it didn't seem like anyone was in there. Then, suddenly, a man comes out of the bedroom pointing a gun at him.

"W-who are you?" Barry asked, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Don't you keep up with the news in Starling City?" replied the man.

"Y-you're that guy...the one that the Arrow's been after." Barry said, recognizing him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, getting nervous.

"Well, I know that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow, and I know how important you are to him." the man answered.

"What are you gonna do?" Barry asked as the man came closer.

"Kidnap you, duh. Maybe even torture and kill you, I don't know, what I do know is that I'm gonna show that robin hood wannabe what happens when people get in my way." said the man.

That's when the man hits Barry's head with the butt of his gun, knocking him out. When he wakes up, he's tied to a chair in a dimly lit basement.

"Oh no...HEY!! SOMEONE HELP!! HELP!! I'm down here!" Barry yelled desperately.

"Stop your yelling, this basement is sound proof." said the man from before.

"When Ollie finds you, he's gonna beat you to a bloody pulp." Barry told him.

"No...I don't think he will. Ollie will be too busy crying over your corpse." replied the man grabbing a golf club.

He's about to hit Barry with the golf club when an arrow came out of nowhere, pinning the guy to the wall by his jacket. Oliver then runs up to Barry and begins to untie him.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Oliver asked frantically.

"I'm fine." Barry answered.

When Oliver had finished untying his boyfriend, the man who kidnapped him had freed himself from the wall.

"Go! Run!!" Oliver told Barry.

"No, I'm not leaving without you!" Barry argued.

While the couple was arguing, the guy pulls out a gun and then....BANG BANG BANG!!!

To be continued on "My Boyfriend Is a Vigilante" part 3.

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