Olivarry: In Sickness & In Health

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A/N: Non-superhero AU

When you love someone, you do things for them, like, take care of them when they're sick. That's what Barry was doing. He was taking care of his sick boyfriend, Oliver.

"Bear, baby, you didn't have to stay home from work, I would've been fine on my own." Oliver said his voice almost gone.

"Are you kidding? I'm not leaving you alone with this fever." Barry replied feeling Oliver's forehead and cheeks.

Oliver puts a hand to his throat and winces in pain.

"Sore throat?" asked Barry.

The billionaire nods and leans into his boyfriend. Barry kisses Oliver's head and holds him close to his chest. Feeling Oliver shiver, Barry wraps a blanket around him and holds him tighter. Then Oliver starts to whimper and groan.

"What's wrong, Ollie?" Barry asked him.

Because his throat was too sore, Oliver doesn't speak, he just whimpers more.

"Do you feel nauseous?" asked Barry.

Oliver shakes his head 'no' against Barry's chest.

"Do you feel achey, like your muscles are sore?" Barry asked his ill boyfriend.

The taller man nods, curling up into a ball.

"Oh, you poor thing." sighed Barry.

To relieve some of the pain, the forensic scientist massages his boyfriend's sore muscles. Oliver sighs in relief when the pain in his muscles disappear. He felt tired...really, really tired; so much so that he almost rolls off the couch.

"Woah, woah!" gasped Barry catching Oliver.

A scared Barry cups Oliver's face and looks into his glazed over eyes. The heat from Oliver's skin kind of burns Barry's hands.

"God, Oliver, you're practically on fire! That's it, you're going to bed right now!" Barry fretted.

It was difficult, but Barry was able to get Oliver into bed and tucked him in. Barry adjusts the pillows so that Oliver is more comfortable.

"Okay, you just stay here and get some sleep, while I run down to the store to get you some stronger medicine." Barry told Oliver stroking his cheek.

"NO! Don't go!" Oliver cried out grabbing his boyfriend's wrist, stopping him from leaving.

Hot tears stream down his beet-red cheeks as he grips tightly to Barry's arm. The rich and handsome man looks at his boyfriend with feverish, pleading eyes.

"P-please...don't leave. S-stay here...w-with me. I...I-I can't sleep if y-you're not next to me. Please, please...d-don't leave me all alone." Oliver sobbed weakly.

His voice was so hoarse and strained, it was almost unheard. This was breaking Barry's heart; never has he seen Oliver so emotional. He holds back his own set of tears and wipes away Oliver's. The brunette tries to get his crying boyfriend to calm down.

"Shhh, baby, shhh. It's alright, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna sit right here until you fall asleep, okay?" Barry said running his fingers through Oliver's hair.

"Okay." Oliver replied his eyelids half closed.

Barry sits beside Oliver and soothes him until he falls asleep. He calls Iris and asks her to bring over some medicine so that he can stay with Oliver like he promised. The only time he left the room was to go to the kitchen to get a cold rag for Oliver's head.

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