Olivarry: Itchy

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A/N: Non-Superhero AU

The perks of having an athletic boyfriend are the abs and muscles you get to look at and touch whenever you want. The downside, however, is that he tries to get you to do athletic stuff with him.

"Why are we at the park this early in the morning?" Barry asked.

"Because you promised to go jogging with me." replied Oliver.

"Ya know there's better exercises we can do at home...in bed." said Barry.

"Haha, you're funny, Bear." Oliver laughed.

"It'll be fun, I'll race you. Loser makes lunch." he added gently elbowing Barry's side.

With a dramatic sigh, the forensic scientist agrees to jog with his boyfriend. They jog down the trail that Oliver favors. Barry runs ahead of Oliver, cause he really doesn't want to make lunch. He looks over his shoulder to see how much farther ahead he is. Because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, Barry trips on a rock and stumbles sideways. Then, he tumbles down a hill and lands in a bush.

"Okay...ow." Barry grunted sitting up.

"Barry! Babe, are you okay?" Oliver said rushing down the hill.

"You're not hurt, are you?" he asked kneeling next to his boyfriend.

"I'm okay, Ollie. The only thing I hurt was my pride." Barry answered standing up.

"I think we've had enough for today, lets head home." said Oliver.

The two walk home holding hands. Oliver agreed that he would make lunch. Later on, Barry began to feel a burning itch all over his back, arms, and chest. The itchiness just kept growing more and more intense, up to a point where it became unbearable.

"What's wrong, Bear, why're you scratching so much?" Oliver asked.

"Uhg...i-it itches...r-really bad." whimpered Barry.

"Turn around, baby, let me look at your back." Oliver told him.

After his boyfriend turns around, the billionaire lifts his shirt up and looks at his back. He gasped, concerned that a bumby red rash was completely covering the brunette's entire back. Taking off his shirt, Oliver discovered that the rash was also all over Barry's upper arms and chest.

"My God, Barry, how did this happen?" asked Oliver worriedly.

"I-I don't knooow, b-but I want it to stooop." Barry whined miserably.

Oliver tries to think of ways Barry could've gotten this rash, then it donned on him; that bush that Barry fell into was poison ivy. The blonde felt bad for his boyfriend, he looked so uncomfortable and miserable; but it was going to be okay, he was going to fix it.

"Come on, Bear, let's get that rash taken care of." Oliver said pulling Barry off the couch and towards their room.

Barry sits on the bed cross-legged while Oliver goes into the bathroom. He returns with a tube of itching cream.

"Hey! Stop scratching! You'll make it worse." Oliver scolded.

Pouting, Barry puts his hands in his lap.

"It'll be alright, baby, this stuff will help. It's supposed to alleviate rashes caused by bug bites, poison ivy, and poison oak." Oliver explained.

He sits behind Barry and begins to rub the cream into his back and arms. Barry sighs in relief as the cool substance is rubbed into his skin. Then, Oliver rubs the cream into Barry's chest.

"Feel better?" Oliver whispered into his ear.

"Mmmmm." Barry hummed in content.

The billionaire kisses his boyfriend behind his ear, then he kisses his cheek. The forensic scientist turns his head to the side and tilts it back, so the other would have easy access to his lips. They kiss for a while, then Oliver goes to wash the cream off his hands. When he gets back He hands Barry a clean shirt.

"Just my luck, the one time I exercise, I fall into a poison ivy bush." said Barry.

"You only fell cause you're a clumsy dork." chuckled Oliver.

"Hey!" replied Barry, mocking offense.

Laughing, Oliver sits in front of Barry and pulls him onto his lap.

"I'm not a clumsy dork." Barry stated folding his arms.

"You're right, babe. You're not a clumsy dork, you're my clumsy dork." Oliver replied.

"D*mn right." Barry said, his lips brushing against Oliver's.

Placing his hand on the back of Barry's neck, Oliver presses his lips to Barry's, kissing him deeply and passionately.

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