Olivarry: It's Cold Outside

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A/N: Non-superhero AU

Barry had just got off work and came outside when he realized how the weather had changed from this morning. It was a lot colder, and Barry had forgotten his jacket at home. He rubs at his arms to warm them up. But it didn't do much and he begins to shiver. Braving the cold, Barry goes to meet with his boyfriend, Oliver.

"Hey, babe." Barry said when he met Oliver in front of the movie theater.

"Hey, Bear." Oliver replied kissing Barry.

"Where's your jacket? It's freezing out here." he asked.

"I forgot it." Barry answered shivering.

Oliver just smiles and shakes his head as he takes his own jacket off and puts it on his boyfriend.

"Oliver, if you give me your jacket, you'll get cold." Barry protested.

"I'll be fine. I don't get cold much. Besides your nose, cheeks, and ears are starting to turn pink. I don't want you getting sick or getting hypothermia." Oliver said zipping up the jacket he put on Barry.

When Barry put his arms through the sleeves, he noticed that his hands were completely covered by the sleeves. Also that the jacket was quite baggy on him.

"What the h*ll, why is this jacket so big?" Barry chuckled.

"That's cause you're small." replied Oliver.

"I'm not that small." Barry pouted.

"Don't worry, baby, being small makes you adorable. At least to me." Oliver said wrapping his arms around Barry's waist.

Barry's cheeks turn bright red, and it has nothing to do with the cold. The two give each other a couple kisses before going into the theater to watch their movie.

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