Olivarry: Origin

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Barry had a bad day, nothing went his way. So, he decided to go to the hottest bar in Starling City.

"Give me the strongest you got." grumbled Barry.

"Bad day?" the guy beside him asked.

He turns and realizes the guy beside him is Oliver Queen.

"Aren't you Oliver Queen?" Barry asked.

The handsome billionaire nods.

"So, what's got you all down in the dumps?" asked Oliver.

"Life." replied Barry.

"Yeah, life does suck doesn't it." Oliver sighed.

"Hey, wanna play a drinking game to forget about our sucktacular lives?" he asked the brunette.

"Sure, why not." Barry shrugged.

The two play a drinking game until both are completely smashed. The next morning, Barry woke with a slight headache. Barry did not recognize the incredibly fancy room he was in. He then sees a muscular arm across his chest. His eyes follow the arm up and sees the sleeping face of Oliver Queen.

"Oh God." he gasped.

The memories of last night were a mystery to Barry.

"Oh sh*t." Barry gasped when he realized both he and Oliver were naked under the covers.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Barry said freaking out, quietly.

Barry bites his bottom lip, trying to decide what to do.

"Hmmm." Oliver mumbled in his sleep.

He wraps his arms around Barry's torso and pulls him close while nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck.

"Uhhh...umm...sh*t, what do I do?" Barry whispered to himself.

Trying to pry Oliver's arms off of him proved to be difficult for Barry. With every attempt, Oliver tightened his grip.

"Uhg." sighed Barry frustrated.

Barry had no idea what to do, and not remembering last night didn't help the situation. Thankfully, Oliver yawned then opened his eyes. The man's eyes widened when he caught sight of Barry. He jumps back almost falling off the bed.

"What the h*ll happened!?" Oliver asked shocked.

"Well, I'm not sure what exactly happened...but, I can guess that we, uh, did it." replied Barry.

"D*mn it! I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore drunk one-night stands." said Oliver.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. This is partially my fault." Barry told him.

"Sorry, Harry." Oliver apologized.

"It's Barry." Barry corrected.

"Oh...sorry." Oliver apologized again.

Then an awkward silence filled the room.

"Sooo...is this your place?" Barry asked.

"Yep." replied Oliver.

"I think we should get dressed right now." he said.

"Yeah." Barry agreed.

Barry and Oliver take turns getting dressed in private.

"Do you need a ride?" Oliver asked nervously.

"Considering that I don't know where to go from here...yeah." Barry answered.

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