Olivarry: Billionaire Baby Daddy Pt.3

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A/N: Trans!Barry AU.

Barry's hands shook as he walked into the Arrow Cave.

"God, why didn't I think of confronting him in person until now!? How stupid can I be!?" Barry thought to himself.

"Hi, Barry!" Felicity said smiling.

"Hey, guys...where's Oliver?" Barry replied, eyes scanning the room.

"He's having another one of his emotional freak outs and ran away again." Thea huffed, rolling her eyes.

The speedster feels a twist in his gut that wasn't caused by the baby that was growing inside him. Did Oliver really run away because he confessed his feelings to him? Was Barry having romantic feelings for Oliver that horrifying to him?

"Barry, you alright?" Diggle asked when Barry stood there for a minute not speaking.

"Yeah, I'm fine...how long do you think Oliver'll be gone?" Barry said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"With his track record, a year at the most." Felicity answered.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with abandonment, Barry's eyes began to well up with tears.

"Woah, Barry, why are you crying?" Felicity asked, getting up from her place at the computer and hugging him.

"Is something going on at home?" Thea added, holding his hand comfortingly.

"Oh god, so much is happening. First, the guy I've been casually dating harshly rejected me when I wanted things to be less casual, then I find out I'm pregnant, and then when I go to tell the guy, I find that he's completely left everything behind...including me." Barry cried.

"And hearing that your best friend has bailed as well just makes it all feel worse, huh?" Diggle said looking at Barry with sympathy.

Barry nods choking out a sob as Felicity and Thea comforted him.

"Hey, where's William?" Barry asked, noticing the lack of Oliver's thirteen-year-old son.

"He's at home, sulking in his room, understandably pissed that his dad left." Thea told him.

Suddenly, Barry felt guilty for only thinking about his own feelings. He also felt like he was responsible for making Oliver not only leave his friends and sister, but also his own son.

"How far along are you, Barry?" Felicity asked, in an attempt to change the subject.

"A little over a month." Barry answered.

Then they all started talking about baby stuff. Felicity excitedly announces that she would help Cisco and Iris with the baby shower. Their support made Barry feel a whole lot better.

"I'm gonna head back to Central City now. I need to discuss paternity leave with my boss." Barry said, turning to leave.

He goes to speed off, but stopped at the doorway when he felt dizzy and out of breath.

"Barry, are you okay?" Diggle asked, rushing over to Barry's side.

"Yeah....just got a little light headed." Barry replied, catching his breath.

"You shouldn't be speeding in your condition. I'll drive you home." Diggle gently scolded the younger man.

Barry agrees, feeling too tired to even take another step. He didn't realize just how tiring pregnancy was.

"Don't worry, Barry, I'll bring Ollie home." Diggle said as he was driving Barry home.

"*sigh*...You know, don't you." Barry sighed, throwing his head back in exasperation.

"It's not that hard to figure out." Diggle chuckled.

"But...for what it's worth...you should know that Oliver really does care about you. He's just....not great at showing it. Big emotions tend to scare him." he said, squeezing Barry's shoulder comfortingly.

"Wow....that really makes me feel so much better." Barry muttered sarcastically, suddenly feeling irritated.

When he got home Barry took a nap on his couch, then later called his boss and talked about paternity leave. Over the next couple weeks, Barry had a few more instances of dizzy spells and shortness of breath which concerned him, so he of course goes to Caitlyn about it.

"So, what's going on with me? Is the baby okay?" Barry asked worriedly.

"The baby's fine, you're just having some issues with anemia. I recommend taking iron supplements and eating more red meats and green vegetables." Caitlyn replied.

Barry sighs in relief, glad that there was nothing too serious going on.

"Speaking of the baby, we should probably take a look at them." Caitlyn said turning on an ultrasound machine.

"Ooh, that baby bump's starting come in." she added when Barry lifted his shirt.

"Yeah, couldn't get my jeans to fit this morning. Looks like it's sweatpants for now until this baby comes." Barry smiled.

The gel Caitlyn spread on his stomach was cold.

"Now, this is my first time using this machine, so bear with me." Caitlyn chuckled, moving the wand all over Barry's abdomen.

When Barry saw his baby on the little screen, he couldn't help but cry a little. Even though the baby only looked like a blob with a head and tiny little stubs for arms and legs, it was one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen.

"You alright there, Barry?" Caitlyn asked, smiling.

"Yeah...it's just...hormones." Barry sniffled.

"I'll get these photos printed so you can show the others." Caitlyn said handing Barry a paper towel to rub the gel off his stomach.

Barry couldn't stop smiling, looking at the pictures of his baby, as he approached his apartment building. He couldn't wait to see his baby in person and hold them in his arms.

"Seven more months to go." Barry chuckled to himself, placing his hand on his stomach.

Walking up the stairs of his apartment building, Barry scrolls through his phone looking at lists of baby names.

"Hmm, I really like the name Henrietta. For some reason I have this feeling you're a girl." Barry said to his barely-there baby bump.

The brunette freezes at the end of the hall, seeing someone standing in front of his apartment. Slowly, Barry makes his way to his apartment, not yet recognizing who the person was. The energy in the air becomes awkward once he realized the unexpected visitor was none other than Oliver Queen...the guy who broke his heart and got him pregnant.

A/N: Ahhhhhh, it's been a fricken year since I worked on this, wtf is wrong with meeeeeee!? I hate having adhd sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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