Chapter 29 - Flint

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I can see all of this is hurting Sydney, and that's the last thing I want. If she wants the truth out, then so be it, it'll be out in the open.

I give her hand another squeeze before I face my family. "There's something you should know."

Beside me, Sydney's hand goes stiff in mine. Her head snaps in my direction like the idea of me actually telling my family the truth was not a possibility. Sydney underestimates me and I swear one...she'll be the death of me.

Dad looks at me. "What is it?" He says as concern etches against his features.

I watch mum place a hand over his, giving him a reassurance squeeze just the way I do it to Sydney from time to time. That draws a subtle smile on my face.

Sydney pulls my hand back and shakes her head subtly before leaning closer to whisper to me, "don't, I changed my mind. I don't want to hurt them."

"Sydney, if you want them to know then I won't hide it. It's up to you," I tell her.

Her eyes flick to Samantha and for a second it's almost like something passes through them. A subtle communication that they think they're hiding but I pick up on it.

"I'm sure," she says before she looks back at my family.

Dad clears his throat to look at us. "What do we need to know?"

I shake my head, deciding to give them half the truth. "We're not really engaged."

Mum almost chokes on the water she was drinking as dad pats her back. Will passes her a napkin and she dries her mouth. "Excuse me?" She blurts.

I sigh. This is going to be a long day.

"I was just trying to avoid being auctioned off at the gala and Sydney helped me. We are actually dating though."

Will shakes his head. "Okay but why lie to us. Couldn't you have just said that. And what was the ring for?"

Sydney jumps in, "the ring was to make it believable at the gala. And yes you're right, we shouldn't have lied but we were concerned paparazzi or a journalist would be there at the gala since it makes the news every year that had to say it out loud so that no one was eavesdropping. We wanted to tell you at the end of the gala but I was feeling a little unwell so Flint brought me home and we never got to say goodbye."

Will smirks. "Wouldn't put it past my brother for something dramatic."

Mum's face drops. "Well bugger that. I was actually excited I had a daughter-in-law."

Sydney smiles as she looks at my mother and then her smile drops the minute her eyes lock with Samantha. I don't miss how my sister has been quiet since she got here. There is an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and usually I don't know the feeling. Usually I'm the one inflicting that feeling on others.

Dad puts his two cents in. "Well you may as well wed her because I'm afraid I like Sydney too much and won't accept anyone else as my daughter-in-law."

Ava who has also been quiet, clears her throat. "You lied to me," she says pointing her finger at me.

I roll my eyes at her dramatics. "Well you wouldn't zip it so I really had no choice."

Her mouth drops open. "So that's how you shut me ups unbelievable," she says throwing her hands in the air.

I watch Sydney excuse herself and shortly after Samantha does the same. The sight puts a thought in my mind. Something isn't right. These two hardly know each other, they shouldn't be communicating like they have a secret to hide.

I give myself two minutes before I excuse myself and head down the hall where they both went. I hear the slight whisper of their voices but something doesn't sound right.

It's bad that I'm spying or eavesdropping but I'm concerned. What I saw wasn't normal and my gut tells me I'm going to regret hearing what they have to say. I somehow can't stop myself as I inch closer.

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