Chapter 14 - Sydney

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I notice eyes on me. I swallow feeling a lump in my throat. I will not break down, not now especially. I hold Flint's gaze.

"I apologise, but there's nothing more I can do."

Flint frowns and shakes his head before the door swings open. "It isn't her fault."

I blink. Unbelievable. The girl who helped me in the kitchen, Samantha. I must have a beam that attracts his whole family and for a second I don't doubt that this girl is somehow related to him. Her sharp green eyes speak for themselves.

"Have you ever thought to ask your employees simple questions when things like this happen, brother?" she asks. "Perhaps finding out why they were late."

Flint watches his sister but he seems relaxed. It's obvious he cares about her to say anything to her but if anyone else spoke to him like that, they would've heard from him.

Samantha walks up to me and frowns. She tries to grab for my shirt but I take a step back. "Everything is okay," I say. "It's all good."

Flint watches in confusion and Samantha looks at me almost questioning why I don't want to bring up the obvious. I take another step back as my shirt hits against my chest, I squeeze my eyes shut.

"She's hurt," Samantha says looking Flint right in the eyes.

Everyone in the conference room watches intently but no one says a word.

"Hurt?" Flint repeats.

Knowing I don't like the way this is going, I walk to the door. "You can fire me, I'll be in my office."

Not waiting for the drama to blow out, I walk out and make my way to my office. I could've possibly just cost Alaina her job too. She wouldn't be mad at me though. I know Alaina would smile and tell me how proud she is of me, that I stood up for myself. She'd tell me her job means nothing compared to me, that I mean so much more.

Realisation sets in and tears spill down my face slowly. I'm about to ruin the one girl's life who has stood by my side no matter what. Somehow the pain of the burn doesn't hurt as much as it does now.

Grabbing a spare box, I begin to pack all the things in my draws, which isn't much to begin with.


The door to my office swings open. Flint stays by the door for a second before he turns and shuts the door. He swings the lock and locks the door.

My heart beats fast, he's just locked us in. I am about to hear how disappointed he is in me. I've let him down. His family was there. His biggest mistake was me. I don't want to hear it.

He takes a step forward. "You should've told me."

I stare at my feet. "It doesn't matter," I reply.

"It does," he says. "My sister explained. You deserve an apology."

It's as if my eyes almost pop out of their sockets when he says that. He doesn't look like the apologising type. He looks beyond cocky and up himself. The boss who never apologises.

"I am truly sorry," he says as he walks closer to me.

I grab the box and place it on the ground. "It wasn't your fault, you didn't know. Plus I did fail you in a way, I wasn't on time and now you're here instead of there."

He shakes his head. "They'll wait for me," he says walking in closer. "Can I see?" he asks pointing at where my burn is.

I shake my head. "I'm fine." I'm not about to tell him he can look at my chest or the area around it. Could you imagine me tell him that it was okay to look down my shirt.

"Clearly you're not," he says grabbing my wrist.

I freeze.

He leans in using my wrist to guide my body closer. His free hand reaches for the collar of my shirt as he pulls it aside. He immediately sees the redness spreading across my neck area.

I take a deep breath. He has his hand on my collar, and I want to tell him to move it but dammit I happen to like it. I happen to like him this close too. What is wrong with me?

He knows he's testing the limit because he kisses the side of my neck where it isn't burnt. I tilt my head knowing very much that this is so bad and that I'm supposed to hate this guy but somehow every time he knows how to make me melt.

"That looks bad," he says.

I pull back slamming against the wall when I notice that he had unbuttoned my shirt and was looking at the burn. He had kissed my neck as a distraction to see my burn and he succeeded. He knew I'd fall for it, he knew I'd be tempted by him. I don't want to be like those other girls.

"I'll call a doctor."

I shake my head. "I told you I was fine," I say in a stern voice as I button up my shirt.

He watches me. "When will you admit the truth?"

I frown. "The truth?"

"About everything. About the burn. About me. About your feelings," he says, the volume of his voice increasing. "You lie about everything. You're in denial."

I don't say a word.

"You want me to admit it," he says. "Because I like you but you already know that. I want you here in this job because I feel something for you. I gave you the job because I care and I damn right used your friend because I needed you by my side. Don't know why, but I just do."

My heart speeds up. I could admit everything right here and now but I don't. "It hurts," I say. "There you wanted the truth, you got it."

Flint shakes his head as if he was expecting more but he leans in forward. "Take a seat. I'll be right back."


When Flint takes care of the burn and I convince him it doesn't hurt as much, we both make our way up to the conference room, neither of us saying a word.

What just happened was crazy. I don't know if it should've happened or not. He let his emotions go and part of me suddenly feels that I won't be like other girls, that he genuinely cares but maybe I'm young and stupid, and so easily fooled.

Would it be so bad if I let go for a little while. Just enjoyed what was happening, even if it was just a fling on his behalf. It wouldn't be too bad.

I take a seat next to Samantha and she smiles as she squeezes my hand. "Glad to see you're okay," she whispers.

Flint begins to speak and lights dim down so we can all pay attention to the PowerPoint. He flips through them in a rapid speed as if it comes naturally to him, never once faltering in what he has to say.

"You two would look so cute together," Samantha whispers forcing me to snap my head in her direction.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I whisper back.

She smiles. "Sure."

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